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Statistics Essay Contest Winners

Published at: 20.10.2022 - 09:00

On the occasion of the Day of European Statistics, October 20, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) announced a competition for a statistical essay for students on the topic: 'The importance of official statistics in the modern world of information and disinformation'. 82 students from 44 schools in 28 towns participated. With desire and a lot of work, they wrote their texts and became part of European citizens who appreciate and trust the statistical information of NSI and Eurostat. It was a pleasure for the jury members to read their works and responsibly select the best of them. And they are:

  • First place - Petya Laskova, Secondary School 'Alexander Ivanov-Chapai', Belovo
  • Second place - Anna Mihailova, NPG 'Dimitar Talev', Gotse Delchev
  • Third place - Tsvetislava Dimitrova, Profiled Science and Mathematics High School 'Acad. Ivan Tsenov', Vratsa.

The students from 109 'Hristo Smirnenski' Primary School in Sofia, who did not meet the preliminary criteria for participation, but showed the knowledge and skills of the younger ones and their intentions to participate in the statistical initiatives of NSI in the future, received a lot of applause. A special incentive award was provided for them.

The National Statistical Institute thanks all the participants and wishes them that the Day of European Statistics will become for them a day of satisfaction with their knowledge and skills in statistics!

Good luck!