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In the period between March 2022 - March 2023 NSI will conduct harmonised european ‘Time use survey’

Published at: 21.03.2022 - 11:30

In execution of the 2021 Population Census and Housing Census in the Republic of Bulgaria Act (PCHCA2021), the Law on Statistics and resolutions of the Central Census Commission, the Program of the European Statistical System (ESS), Eurostat for the joint survey of time use in March 2022, the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria starts the conduction of the ‘Time use survey’.

The goal of this survey is to gather internationally comparable information on the basic characteristics of the usage of time: measuring the time which persons spend on different activities in their daily life; measuring all kinds of labour, including unpaid labour and productivity of households; balance between professional and personal life; issues related to child care and people with disability. The received results will provide information for equality policies.

Survey objects are persons aged 10 and above in 3 150 private households in the country randomly included in a sample.

The survey will be implemented with interviewers who will legitimize themselves with an official card and will present a letter from the President of NSI on their first visit to the household. The interviewers are obligated by the Law on Statistics to keep full confidentiality about the information they receive. All the personal data from the households will be collected, processed and conserved for the production of statistical information only.

The GDPR provisions, Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council about European Statistics, the Law on Statistics and the Personal Data Protection Act guarantee the preservation of data confidentiality, its protection and usage for statistical purposes only for the data that respondents provide.

The survey’s longevity is 12 months, and it ends in March 2023.

We thank the households in advance for their cooperation!

Additional information is available at: (02) 9857-640, (02) 9857-463, ‘Statistics on Population and Housing fund’ Department, every working day between 9 AM and 5 PM.