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The National Statistical Institute and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Signed an Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation

Published at: 17.12.2019 - 14:00
The Bulgarian statisticians will cooperate with their Palestinian counterparts in the fields of macroeconomic, demographic, business statistics and work with consumers to provide statistics, exchange ideas and information by joint activities. This is foreseen in the Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation in the Field of Statistics, which was signed by the NSI President Mr. Sergey Tsvetarski and Dr. Ola Awad, President of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

The official ceremony took place in Ramallah city on 16th of December and was attended by Mr. Georgi Milenov, Head of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Mission to Ramallah, and Dr. Amal Jado, Undersecretary of the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Dr. Ola Awad thanked the National Statistical Institute and the Bulgarian counterparts for their friendship and willingness to cooperate and expressed the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics’s commitment to continue strengthening its relations with Bulgaria in the field of statistics.

The President of the NSI Mr. Sergey Tsvetarski congratulated the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics’s team on their efforts that made this agreement possible and expressed Bulgaria’s wish for giving new impetus to the bilateral relations as well as assisting the Palestinian statisticians in all aspects that would be useful for the development of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

In her speech, Dr. Amal Jado emphasized on the NSI's support for the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and the important role that statistics play in strategic planning at the political, economic, social and cultural level. Mr. Georgi Milenov stated Bulgaria’s readiness to continue fruitful cooperation with Palestine.

During the official ceremony, presentations were carried out regarding the history of the Palestinian Bureau of Statistics, its achievements, its efforts in the area of ​​sustainable development and the consistent work on strengthening and developing the Bureau's capacity. Preparations for the second agricultural census that is going to be held in Palestine were also presented.