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The National Statistical Institute hosts training course for young statisticians from six countries for the third time

Published at: 13.09.2019 - 14:00
The National Statistical Institute is the host of the training course for twenty-four young statisticians from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, organised jointly with the Centre for Statistical Studies at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) – Sofia for a third consecutive year. The training is conducted within the framework of of the Development Assistance Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The training course “Introduction to the theory and organization of statistical surveys” is hosted in the period 9-18th September 2019: the first part takes place at the University of National and World Economy (9-11 September) and the second – at NSI’s Training Centre Slivek, Lovech region (12-18 September).

The goal of the training course is to introduce the young statisticians to the main concepts in statistical theory, as well as the organisation and methods of conducting certain empirical statistical studies, pursuant to the European regulations on statistics.

The theoretical part of the training is focused on:

  • Introduction to statistical theory – basic concepts and principles
  • Sample surveys – principles, main attributes and types of sample surveys

In the second part of the training course the participants will be acquainted with the practical aspects of the NSI-conducted surveys in the field of demographic, macroeconomic and business statistics, as well as some new methods of data collection, including Big Data.

The National Statistical Institute has already signed Cooperation Agreements in the field of statistics with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova. The third iteration of the training course further contributes to the good bilateral relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and the aforementioned countries and is a continuation of NSI’s policy for expansion of the cooperation with the countries from the European Neigbourhood Policy. This policy is also included in the Eurostat Multiannual Statistical Program 2013-2020 and aims to bring the statistics in these countries on par with European standards.