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Quarterly data (previous year=100)

Time series : Forestry2.2_EN.xls

Previous year=100
N Description Links Quarter
1 Wood in the rough 1=2+22 94.1 91.0 88.7 87.0
2 Wood in the rough from coniferous 2=3+8+13+16 95.4 91.7 89.1 86.5
3 Large-sized timber 3=4+5+6+7 94.6 92.2 91.1 88.3
4 Sawlogs (class Ia, diameter > 50 сm) 4 93.1 94.5 92.1 89.4
5 Sawlogs (class I, diameter from 30 to 40 сm) 5 92.7 90.6 89.7 87.2
6 Sawlogs (class II, diameter from 18 to 29 сm) 6 96.9 94.6 92.4 90.2
7 Technological wood 7 91.3 78.2 88.9 78.1
8 Medium-sized timber 8=9+10+11+12 92.6 89.4 84.2 83.9
9 Sawlogs (class II, diameter from 15 to 17 сm) 9 93.7 92.2 89.8 87.6
10 Round beams 10 85.3 85.5 72.6 76.0
11 Pitprops for mining 11 90.0 93.4 118.1 110.8
12 Technological wood 12 93.3 89.2 84.0 83.7
13 Small-sized timber 13=14+15 96.3 90.5 83.4 80.3
14 Small round materials (poles end some others) 14 104.8 96.2 71.9 76.2
15 Technological wood 15 95.0 89.7 85.1 80.9
16 Woods 16=17+18+19+20+21 102.4 95.0 88.0 84.8
17 Technological wood 17 94.0 88.3 82.0 79.0
18 Craft processing materials 18 101.8 100.7 96.0 92.4
19 Fuelwood and twigs from coniferous 19 103.1 98.4 92.3 88.2
20 Standing timber from coniferous sold to physical persons for their personal use 20 157.4 105.6 78.0 72.8
21 Sawed timber from coniferous sold to physical persons for their personal use 21 106.2 82.3 75.4 80.1
22 Wood in the rough from non-coniferous 22=23+31+37+40 93.2 90.5 88.4 87.3
23 Large-sized timber 23=24+25+26+
92.2 91.2 88.4 85.7
24 Sawlogs (class Ia, diameter > 50 сm) 24 87.4 90.4 86.7 85.6
25 Sawlogs (class I, diameter from 30 to 40 сm) 25 90.3 89.9 88.7 85.1
26 Sawlogs (class II, diameter from 18 to 29 сm) 26 95.5 91.5 88.5 84.1
27 Logs for plywood 27 89.7 86.4 82.7 97.4
28 Logs for veneer 28 76.3 95.7 90.5 82.8
29 Logs for sleepers 29 75.5 111.1 100.6 84.5
30 Technological wood 30 94.8 96.7 94.4 91.0
31 Medium-sized timber 31=32+33+34+35+36 91.9 88.1 88.8 84.8
32 Sawlogs (class III, diameter from 15 to 17 сm) 32 97.2 91.6 87.5 77.5
33 Round beams 33 82.3 105.3 105.9 81.5
34 Pitprops for mining 34 107.6 105.6 136.1 112.4
35 Small round materials (poles end some others) 35 98.6 89.9 74.4 90.4
36 Technological wood 36 90.6 86.9 88.3 85.0
37 Small-sized timber 37=38+39 87.2 88.8 89.2 83.2
38 Small round materials (poles end some others) 38 85.8 110.9 66.9 77.7
39 Technological wood 39 87.2 87.8 90.2 83.5
40 Woods 40=41+42+43 93.8 90.7 88.3 88.1
41 Technological wood 41 92.2 94.6 90.0 86.8
42 Craft processing materials 42 87.6 88.3 85.0 83.8
43 Fuelwood and twigs from non-coniferous 43=44+45+46+47+48 95.2 89.0 87.9 89.1
44 Fuelwood from non-coniferous 44 94.7 90.4 89.2 87.2
45 Fuelwood from non-coiferous 45 93.5 84.2 88.4 87.3
46 Twigs from non-coniferous 46 105.6 66.1 129.5 127.7
47 Standing timber from non-coniferous sold to physical persons for their personal use 47 110.0 105.0 85.8 87.6
48 Sawed timber from non-coniferous sold to physical persons for their personal use 48 95.4 83.2 83.2 96.4
49 Sold standing timber 49 106.3 104.6 77.8 83.5