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Project “Improvement of the use of administrative sources (ESS.VIP ADMIN WP6 pilot studies and applications)”

Published at: 05.02.2018 - 12:00
The National Statistical Institute has started working on a project “Improvement of the use of administrative sources (ESS.VIP ADMIN WP6 pilot studies and applications)” in accordance with the Grant agreement with the European Commission No. 07112.2017.007-2017.441.

The main objective of the project is to develop standardised system for referring to geographical coordinates of statistical data from different domains and administrative sources by means of addresses of real estate and based on national registers.

The main task of the project team is to prepare a concept and methodology for building-up and maintenance of a point-based statistical spatial infrastructure at the NSI.

Experts from National Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency, Directorate General for Civil Registration and Administrative Services, State e-Government Agency and Municipality of Gabrovo participate in the project activities.

The project duration is 18 months and the action shall end in April 2019.