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The European Statistical System Committee meets on 11 February 2016

Published at: 08.02.2016 - 10:20
On 11 February 2016 at Eurostat, Luxembourg, will be held the 28th meeting of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC). This is the first ESSC meeting for the year out of total of four regular annual meetings of the Committee. It is chaired by Eurostat and attended by the Heads of the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and representatives of ECB, OECD and EFTA countries.

The focus of the discussions will be on the regular VIG progress report on the implementation of the ESS Vision 2020. Projects that are part of the strategy portfolio are of a crucial importance for all areas of statistics - the application of common data validation policy within the EU, roadmaps for mitigating the risks of micro-data exchange as well the core principles for the exchange of identifiable micro-data in the ESS. The ESSC members will discuss the revised version of the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation No. 99/2013 on the European statistical programme 2013 - 2017, by extending it to 2018 - 2020.

Reports from the Directors’ meetings and those related to the quality of European statistics and from the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (The Netherlands) will be presented.

Before the ESSC meeting the Statistical Office of Luxembourg organises a strategic workshop on quality in the European Statistical System. The event will be held at the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg.

From the Bulgarian side in both events will participate the Deputy President of the National Statistical Institute, Diana Yancheva.