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The NSI will train experts from the Statistical Office of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the field of environmental accounts and environmental taxes

Published at: 27.10.2014 - 11:00
On 27 and 28 October 2014 the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria will provide technical assistance to the State Statistical Office of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) in the framework of IPA 2011 Multi-Beneficiary Statistical Co-operation Programme (IPA 2011).

NSI will host the Study visit on which experts from the ‘Macroeconomic Statistics’ will acquaint their Macedonian colleagues with Bulgarian experience in the field of environmental accounts and environmental taxes. The main points of the study visit will be devoted to the evaluation of the work on the distribution of energy taxes using Supply and Use Tables from National accounts; distinguishing the share of environmental taxes paid by non-residents; discussion on possible tools for distribution of transport, pollution and resource taxes according to A64 Nomenclature; statistical survey on environmental taxes; possible sources of administrative data for environmental related taxes.

The meeting was opened by the Vice-President of NSI - Dr. Bogdan Bogdanov. The study visit will be conducted by Mr. Stefan Tsonev, head of the ‘Environmental and Energy Statistics Department’, Mrs. Rumyana Ivanova, state expert in ‘Environmental and Energy Statistics’ Department and Mrs. Margarita Tzvetkova, state expert in ‘Non-financial National Accounts’ Department.