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Eurostat visit on Business Statistics

Published at: 30.06.2014 - 11:28
On June 30 and July 1, 2014 the National Statistical Institute hosts a mission from Eurostat, led by the Director of "Global Business Statistics", Mrs. Maria Helena Figueira, which includes two heads of units in the same directorate of Eurostat - Mrs. Martina Hahn, Head of Unit "Business statistics - coordination and registers" and Mrs. Ani Todorova, Head of Unit "Goods - production and international trade."

The objective of the study visit is to exchange information on key strategic issues in the field of global business statistics - statistics on international trade in goods, business registers, structural business statistics, short-term business statistics, tourism statistics, and etc.

Experts from the National Statistical Institute will present the progress made on European projects for modernisation of business statistics, as well as work on major initiatives such as the new Framework Regulation for the Integration of Business Statistics - FRIBS; statistical units; SIMSTAT (Single Market Statistics), and etc.

The bilateral meetings between Eurostat and the national statistical institutes are regularly held in the EU member states for sharing ideas and exchange of good practices in the production of official European statistics.