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Agreement for cooperation and strategic partnership in the exchange of information between NSI and BAS

Published at: 30.05.2014 - 14:00
The Acting President of the NSI Sergey Tsvetarsky and the Director of the Economic Research Institute at BAS Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov signed on May 29, 2014 Annex to the Agreement on cooperation and strategic partnership in the exchange of information between the National Statistical Institute and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Under and in pursuance of the objectives of the Agreement, the Parties agree to cooperate in the development of methodological, organisational, regulatory, software and other decisions relating to the exchange of information between the two institutions.

NSI and BAS will mutually and timely notify and invite each other to participate in organized by them seminars, conferences, training courses, press conferences and other events related to mathematical statistics and its applications.

The effective partnership between NSI and BAS will have an impact in terms of staffing for the production of official national statistics considered the included in the agreement clause the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences to train part-time graduate students and doctoral candidates on self-study from the NSI.