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NSI of Bulgaria will participate in the 20th meeting of the European Statistical System Committee

Published at: 11.02.2014 - 09:30
The National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria will participate in the 20th meeting of the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC), which will be held in the premises of Eurostat in Luxembourg on 13 February 2014. This is the first out of four ESSC meetings for the calendar year, chaired by Eurostat and attended by the Heads of National Statistical Offices of the Member States and representatives of EFTA countries, ECB and OECD.

The ESS Committee provides professional guidance to the ESS for developing, producing and disseminating European statistics in line with the statistical principles. The ESSC consults Eurostat on issues related to the coordination and priorities of the European statistical programme, further development of the European Statistics Code of Practice, reduction of response burden, statistical confidentiality, and issues of methodology, arising from the establishment and implementation of the statistical programmes.

According to the agenda, ESSC will decide on a comitology item related to Draft Commission Regulation implementing Regulation (EU) № 1260/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council on demographic statistics as regards breakdowns of data, deadlines and data revisions. Bulgaria supports the Draft Commission Regulation, which will affect the type, structure and content of annual data provided by the country in the field of statistics and demographic events. Bulgaria has already taken the appropriate steps and the country will provide the required according to the regulation subject-matter topics and distributions of data for the first reference year 2013.

The item for opinion covers the infra-annual rotational scheme as a key feature of the future EU-LFS for the modernisation of social surveys. Bulgaria expresses its support the introduction of an infra-annual rotational scheme to be a mandatory feature of the future EU Labour Force Survey.

During the meeting reports from Directors’ Groups will be presented on the implementation of the strategic activities in the field of business statistics and methodology; short overview of the agenda of the 45th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) to be held at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, in the period 4 – 7 March 2014, as well as the side events, will be presented to the ESSC; the Task Force on Vision 2.0, which work is with focus on issues related to trust in the ESS, Vision, ESS.VIP programme, governance structures, legal framework, quality system and good practices, will present the progress achieved; the Partnership Group will report on its activities; report of the Greek EU Presidency will be presented.

Further discussions will be held with regard to the report on the methodology for impact analysis of ESS.VIP Projects and on ESGAB report 2013 to the European Parliament and the Council.