Born on December 10, 1963, in the town of Sofia.
She graduated with a Master’s degree in History from Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ in 1987.
She has been working at the National Statistical Institute since 2015 and holds an expert position until 2020. Since January 2020, she has been the Head of the Publications, Library and Digital Products Department.
In the period 2008 - 2014, she worked as a department head in a large private company.
From 1992 to 2008, she worked in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science, and from 1994 to 2008, she was the director of a specialized editorial office for scientific and methodological periodicals.
Her professional career began in 1987 at the ‘Hristo Botev’ Publishing House.
From 1999 to 2006 and from 2010 to 2014, she was a member of the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Kosovo.
The Publications, Library and Digital Products Department (PLDP) shall perform the following activities:
1. be liable for compilation, editing and adherence to the unified graphic design NSI in layout of the general statistical publications;
2. be liable for editing and layout of specialized statistical publications;
3. elaborate information materials, brochures, leaflets and other for products and services provided by the NSI;
4. coordinate and supervise the activity on prepress and print preparation of printed and electronic publications of the NSI and statistical tools;
5. be liable for the wording of press releases with the results of statistical surveys in Bulgarian and English versions and coordinate their publication on the NSI’s website jointly with RUES Department;
6. develop annual Editing plan and Catalogue of statistical publications;
7. study and analyze user demand in the field of printed and electronic publications of the NSI and make suggestions for amendments in the Editing plan as well as for updating the library fund;
8. organize and coordinate the activities on subscription and dissemination of statistical publications within the NSI system, into the country and abroad;
9. administer Internet portal of digital library and carry out activities related to the development of the integrated Information-retrieval library system;
10. implement national and international book exchange;
11. service users from the country and abroad in the reading room of the NSI’s library;
12. keep archive, in which the library fund of Bulgarian and international statistical publications shall be stored.