Environment 2021

The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information electronic bilingual (Bulgarian/English) publication Environment 2021 that contains data from surveys of NSI in 2021 related to the environment in Bulgaria. There are also data on key indicators for the period 2017 – 2021.
The information is systematized in the following sections:
• Еmissions in the air
• Water
• Underground reserves
• Protected natural scenery
• Мaterial flow accounts
• Waste 
• Noise
• Еnvironmental taxes
• Expenditure on protection and restoration of the environment
• Tangible fixed assets with ecological use
• Enviromental goods and services.

The data are aggregated by branch, territorial and geographical aspects. Information is presented in tables and graphics.

The publication is of interest to the public, the Government, ecologists and economists.


Electronic edition of the publication “Environment 2021”

Statistical domain



Theme ‘Population and Social Statistics’