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Urban Audit - The City of Ruse

the city of Ruse
Variable 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total Resident Population 157 540 157 526 156 761 156 959 156 509
'Male Resident Population 75 702 75 692 75 349 75 443 75 278
'Female Resident Population 81 838 81 834 81 412 81 516 81 231
Total Resident Population 0-4 as of 31. 12. 6 274 6 544 6 662 6 934 7 034
Total Resident Population 5-14 as of 31. 12. 13 195 12 801 12 404 12 179 12 187
Total Resident Population 15-19 as of 31. 12. 10 887 10 121 9 661 9 419 8 744
Total Resident Population 20-24 as of 31. 12. 13 678 13 877 13 685 13 269 12 875
Total Resident Population 25-54 as of 31. 12. 70 659 70 767 70 644 70 782 70 698
Total Resident Population 55-64 as of 31. 12. 20 968 21 361 21 459 21 802 22 000
Total Resident Population 65-74 as of 31. 12. 12 929 12 905 12 886 13 045 13 167
Total Resident Population 75 and over as of 31. 12. 8 950 9 150 9 360 9 529 9 804
Residents who are Nationals NA NA 156 312 156 513 156 055
Total Number of Households (excluding institutional households) 61 352 51 433 53 530 54 945 55 250
'One person households 8 536 9 325 10 159 13 119 11 217
'Households with children aged 0 to under 18 29 540 24 018 22 662 21 108 20 667
Nationals that have moved into the city during the last two years 4 745 4 663 4 501 5 081 5 282
Total Economically Active Population 77 600 78 100 78 800 78 100 81 400
'Male Economically Active Population 41 000 39 300 40 100 39 900 42 400
'Female Economically Active Population 36 600 38 800 38 700 38 200 39 000
Residents Unemployed 4 187 3 289 2 349 2 648 5 112
'Male Residents Unemployed 1 553 1 113 816 884 2 428
'Female Residents Unemployed 2 634 2 176 1 533 1 764 2 684
Total employment / jobs (work place based) NA 69 307 69 246 72 654 70 644
Total Number of Households with less than half of the national average disposable annual household income 9 578 7 510 11 021 11 882 10 832
Number of days ozone O3 concentrations exceed 120 µg/m3 12 6 23 0 2
Number of days particulate matter PM10 concentrations exceed 50 µg/m3 58 59 67 69 73
Total annual tourist overnight stays in registered accommodation 90 038 102 822 131 526 130 681 126 491
Number of conventional dwellings 70 388 71 199 71 702 72 435 73 103
Number of live births per year 1 338 1 449 1 398 1 492 1 532
Total deaths per year 1 968 1 960 1 955 1 948 1 944
Number of car thefts 29 24 25 25 33
Number of domestic burglary 382 389 341 364 561
Number of children 0-4 in day care 2 400 2 558 2 704 2 868 2 798
Students in higher education (ISCED level 5-6) 7 810 7 716 8 092 8 250 8 785
Number of private cars registered 66 163 73 935 83 062 86 877 90 871
Number of deaths in road accidents 12 20 16 8 29
Cost of a combined monthly ticket (all modes of public transport) for 5-10 km in the central zone 14 15 15.5 16.5 16.5