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Instruction on Document Registry and Document Flow at Head Office of the NSI


Chapter one


Art.1. (1) The Instruction shall govern the organization of document flow at Head Office (HO) of the National statistical institute (NSI) and it is intended to provide fast and efficient performance of document registry operations.

(2) This instruction shall not apply to documents that contain classified information constituting a state or official secret. These documents are subject to the requirements of the Law on protection of classified information and the Rules of its application.

(3) The instruction shall not apply to documents for which a specific provision in another legislative act is made for their movement and storage.

Art.2. (1) Subject to the instruction is:

1. Reception and registration of incoming documents.

2. Allocation of registered incoming documents.

3. Organization of the preparation, coordination and transmission of documents.

4. Current storage.

5. Use and storage of the seals of the National Statistical Institute.

(2) The document flow is a set of interconnected routes of movement of documents from their preparation or reception to the final processing, use and storage.

(3) The document registry and document flow shall be performed in accordance with the rules stipulated in this instruction under the following principles:

1. Directing the documents according to the functions performed by the structural units and employees;

2. Consideration of the movement of documents with the technological sequence of management and document registry operations.  

3. Intentionally and immediately movement of documents and exclusion or minimization of reverse movements.

4. Observing the adopted standardization and unification of documents.

Art.3. (1) The whole process of receiving and initial document processing of incoming correspondence at HO of the NSI and preparation for transmission of outgoing correspondence shall be performed by Document registry unit – “Human resources” department.  

(2) Document registry unit working hours for citizens and legal entities –  from 9.00 to 17.00 and for employees of NSI - from 09.00 to 17.30 every working day.

Art.4. Management and control on creation and design of documents and organization of work with them shall be performed by the Secretary General.  

Chapter two


Art.5. Reception and registration of documents shall be performed the in the following sequence:

1. Receipt and initial processing of incoming documents.

2. Allocation of incoming documents liable and not liable to registration.

3. Registration of documents liable to entry via specialized document registry programme.

Art.6. (1) The initial processing of incoming documents includes:

1. verification of the correctness of addressing (whether the document is addressed to HO of the NSI);

2. unsealing the envelopes with incoming documents;

3. verification of the integrity of envelope and documents as well as the presence of all the annexed documents;

Art.7. (1) Mistakenly delivered incoming correspondence shall be immediately returned unopened to the sender.

(2) Upon receipt of incoming correspondence, all the envelopes shall be unsealed with the exception of those not addressed to HO of the NSI, marked “personally” and sent to trade unions in NSI.

(3) Envelopes with which documents were received shall not be destroyed and must be applied to them when the address of the sender is written on the envelope only, or there is more than seven days between the sending and receiving dates, and when complaints, summonses and other documents from the court are sent.

(4) In case of lack of applications or compromised integrity of incoming documents they shall be returned to the sender without registering.

Чл.8. (1) After initial processing the incoming documents are allocated to liable and not liable to registration.

(2) All incoming documents are liable to registration with the exception of periodic printed publications, newsletters, textbooks, personal correspondence, greetings and congratulations, primary statistical documents, medical documents, documents sent to trade unions in NSI, anonymous letters, complaints, signals and others.).

Art.9. (1) The registration of incoming documents includes:

1. Recording the required data in a journal according to the requirements of the Nomenclature of works and deadlines for their storage at the NSI;

2. Data entry into specialized document registry system;

3. Affixing stamp and registration number in the upper right corner of the first page of the incoming document.

Art.10. (1) Incoming documents signed with universal electronic signature that meet the requirements of the Law on electronic document and electronic signature and the Internal rules for adoption, issuance and storage of electronic documents signed with universal electronic signature at NSI, are liable to registration and receive a registration number, record and entry of the necessary references in the specialized document registry system.

Art.11 (1) The International cooperation and protocol department provides translation of basic data required for registration of incoming documents in foreign language and after that these documents are registered according to Article 9.

Chapter three


Art.12. The allocation of documents includes:

1. transmission of documents subject to resolving;

2. transmission of documents not subject to resolving

Art.13. (1) Correspondence from ministries and other central institutions, local authorities, nongovernment organizations, signed by the relevant ministers and heads shall be transmitted to the President of the NSI.

(2) Correspondence to NSI not addressed to the President or Deputy Presidents shall be transmitted to the Secretary General who determines the addressee by resolution.

(3) Not signed complaints and signals shall be transmitted to the Secretary General.

(4) Summons, notices and decisions received by court and arbitrage are transmitted to the Head of "Legal Activities" department or substitute if the head is absent at the time of their receipt.

(5) Correspondence intended to the top management shall be transmitted to the technical assistants from the "Human resources" department. They submit the correspondence for resolving and return the resolved document in the Document registry unit for subsequent movement.

Art.14 (1) The President receives the incoming paper documents and resolves them to the Deputy Presidents and the Secretary General according to their functions and fields.

(2) In the resolution addressed to the Deputy Presidents or the Secretary General, the NSI President may also indicate a name of director or head of department directly subordinated to the President according to their competences.

(3) The Deputy Presidents receive by their technical assistants an up-to-date information on resolutions received by the directors subordinated to them.

Art.15 (1) Persons resolving documents under article 14 apply resolutions only on the originals of incoming documents.

(2) The employee to whom a task is resolved transmits the file to Document registry unit after completion of the task and coordination with the responsible head of department, director, Deputy President, Secretary General.

(3) The Document Registry unit shall transmit the correspondence for signature to the President, Deputy President or the Secretary General.

(4) After signing the correspondence by the President, Deputy President and Secretary General, the originals shall be stored in the Document Registry unit.

(5) Upon further referral of the documents by the Deputy-Presidents, Directors, Heads of Departments and other employees the resolution shall reflect by the technical assistants to the respective Deputy-Presidents.

Art.16. (1) The resolution shall be placed on the cover page of the paper document form on the day of receipt. It contains the name/names of the recipient/recipients, the subject of task, deadline for implementation, name, title and signature of the contractor and the date and, where necessary, the time. The resolutions by the President, the Deputy - Presidents and the Secretary General shall be reflected in the document registry system by the respective technical assistants.

(2) When, in view of the jurisdiction of the Directorate, a change of the resolution and referral of the documents to another Directorate are necessary, the document shall be returned to the Document registry unit, and the aforementioned change and referral shall be noted in the Document registry system.

(3) The main types of resolutions are:

1. operative resolutions, by which concrete tasks to be implemented by employees;

2. referral resolutions - when the resolutionist considers that the tasks arising from the document should be formulated by another manager. In this case, the resolution shall indicate only the name of the person to whom the document is referred.

3. “For attention of…” – when a document should be known to the employees referred to in the resolution.

4. “To proceedings”- when the resolutionist considers that this document shall not involve any tasks for the NSI.

(4) The employees to whom the resolution is referred are obliged to implement the tasks assigned accurately and in due time.

Art.17. The transmission of registered and listed in the document registry unit incoming documents shall be done by courier at NSI Head Office. The transmission shall be reflected in delivery notebooks containing the date of transmission of the document, the date of filing, the name, the surname and the signature of the person to whom the document was transmitted.

Art.18. (1)

When the task concerns two Directorates or two separate Departments, the resolution shall indicate "Leading contractor" who is responsible for the implementation of the whole task within the prescribed period.

(2) The Leading contractor shall investigate the statements within the deadline and shall prepare a consolidated response.

(3) If in the process of consideration and adoption of statement on the task it established that another structure is responsible, the Director of the leading Directorate shall carry out appropriate coordination, sending the documentation to the Directorate with the request for statement.

Art.19. In order to implement the necessary monitoring of the implementation of tasks arising from the received incoming correspondence, NSI employees must comply with the following requirements:

1. With each resolution the deadlines for implementation shall be set, taking into account the statutory time (if any) and real opportunities to implement the tasks.

2. In cases when with the documents or with the resolution or the deadline for implementation is not legally defined, the tasks arising from the document must be fulfilled within seven days.

3. The documents, resolving by the President, Deputy - Presidents and Secretary General of the NSI with resolution "urgently" shall be processed on the day of their receipt.

4. When the period is expressed in days, not as a fixed end date for the implementation, the period shall be calculated in working days and shall begin on the first working day following the day on which the document was resolving. The document shall be submitted to the responsible person for the implementation on the day of resolving, or no later than the next working day.

Chapter Four


Art.20. (1) The procedure for compiling and filling the documents, as well as their sample forms shall be approved by the President of the NSI with separate order.

(2) The approved sample forms of the documents shall be published on the NSI Intranet site.

(3) The compilation and the execution of documents for the items, of which there are statutory requirements, shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable law.

Art.21. (1) The outgoing documents shall be compiled in as many copies as the recipients and a copy classifying to the proceedings at the document registry unit.

(2) The copy for classification at the document registry unit must contain the names of the person who prepared the document and the names of the persons who have coordinated the document. Each of the individuals shall sign the document and shall indicate the date of signing.

(3) The employees at the document registry unit are obliged not to adopt and bring documents prepared by the staff of NSI, unless they are formed in accordance with the agreed requirements of this instruction, and if they do not fulfill their mandatory details.

(4) The document due to which the answer is prepared or copy when the original is required for further work shall be applied to the documents prepared for transmission..

Art.22. (1) The orders shall be prepared in a standard form approved by the President of NSI.

(2) The orders shall be prepared in one original, which shall be stored at the document registry unit.

(3) The document registry unit shall send the scanned copy of the order by email to all persons to whom it applies.

(4) The orders shall be signed by the President of NSI, by the Deputy - President authorized by order or by the Secretary General according to jurisdiction.

Art.23. (1) The outgoing documentation shall be signed by the President, by the Deputy - presidents, by the Secretary General, by the Head of the Internal Audit Unit, by the Head of the Inspectorate and by the Directors of Directorates while observing the hierarchical equality with addressee in the relevant institutions.

(2) The outgoing correspondence addressed to the courts or in connection with the evidence collection in the trials of the lawsuits must be signed by the legal representative of NSI, unless where the law requires to be signed by the President, as a head of the institution.

Chapter Five


Art. (1) The ongoing retention (storage) of documents during the calendar year shall be carried out at the document registry unit of NSI Head Office.

(2) The activity “Ongoing retention” shall be carried out by the document registry unit and shall cover: adoption within the current year of the executed incoming documents and created outgoing and internal documents; systematic storage of these documents and making references on them until the transmission of the documents in the institutional archives.

(3) The orders shall be stored in the document registry unit of the NSI Head Office within 20 (twenty) years, the contracts - for ten (10) years after their final closure, and those with indefinite duration - permanently.

(4) All documents other than those listed in paragraph 3, grouped in cases shall be transmitted in the archives of the NSI after their closure at the document registry unit, or at the structural units, but not later than 30 June of the next year.

(5) The documents for which law or other regulation envisages specific period of storage shall be kept at the document registry unit of the NSI Head Office until the deadline and then shall be submitted to the archive pursuant to paragraph 4.

Art.25. (1) The finance controller shall keep a register of contracts and shall organize their archiving.

(2) All contracts except those under agreements with the EC grants and accompanying documentation (procedures for the selection of the contractor) shall be stored in a separate archive, organized by the responsible official in accordance with paragraph 1.

(3) The contracts under agreements with the European Commission grants and other international organizations shall be stored at the "EU funds Management" sector in accordance with the requirements of the donor (the governing body of the programme).

Chapter Six


Art.26. (1) The stamps of the National Statistics Institute shall be stored at the document registry unit of the NSI Head Office;

(2) With the stamp of the NSI shall be stamped outgoing letters and documents signed by the President, by the Deputy - Presidents and by the Secretary General of the NSI, as well as by the officials appointed with an order by the President of NSI.

(3) The stamp for stamping documents, which containing classified information shall be stored at the registry for classified information of the NSI.

(4) The employees working at the document registry unit of the NSI are personally responsible for the storage of the stamps of the NSI. The removal of stamps from the document registry unit shall be strictly prohibited.


§ 1. The Instruction shall enter into force on the date of approval by the President of NSI.

§ 2. The Secretary General shall propose annexes for approval with an order within one month according to Article 20.

§ 3. The control of compliance with this instruction shall be assigned to the Secretary General of the NSI.

§ 4. I, the President of the NSI define period of six months for the practical organization of archiving pursuant to Article 25.