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Innovation Activity of the Enterprises during the period 2020 - 2022

Published at: 28.06.2024 - 11:00

During the period 2020 - 2022, 26.1% of the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed carried out an innovation activity. The innovation activity of the enterprises in the industrial sector (32.9%) was higher than of those in the services sector (19.6%). The largest share of innovation active enterprises was in the group of large enterprises (with 250 or more persons employed) - 72.3% in industry and 66.5% in services. 

In 2022, the turnover of innovation active enterprises constituted 51.9% of the turnover, and the persons employed - 51.8% of the persons employed in all enterprises. 

During the observation period, 15.0% of all enterprises realized product innovations (new or improved goods or services), while 17.8% implemented new or improved business processes.

Almost half (49.4%) of the enterprises with product innovations realized goods or services that were new not only to them but to the market as well, i.e. not previously offered by their competitors.

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