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Urban Audit - City of Veliko Tarnovo

City of Veliko Tarnovo
Variable 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Total Resident Population as of 31.12. 67 214 68 735 68 871 68 984 68 676 68 320 68 478
Male Resident Population as of 31.12. 31 426 32 666 32 721 32 801 32 676 32 508 32 611
Female Resident Population as of 31.12. 35 788 36 069 36 150 36 183 36 000 35 812 35 867
Total Resident Population aged 0-4 as of 31. 12. 3 201 2 980 3 095 3 111 3 158 3 206 3 252
Total Resident Population aged 5-14 as of 31. 12. 4 906 4 813 4 946 5 148 5 297 5 505 5 670
Total Resident Population aged 15-19 as of 31. 12. 3 236 3 222 2 925 2 868 2 772 2 804 2 822
Total Resident Population aged 20-24 as of 31. 12. 6 573 8 937 8 607 7 858 6 931 5 763 4 919
Total Resident Population aged 25-54 as of 31. 12. 32 037 29 823 30 004 30 427 30 773 31 218 31 718
Total Resident Population 55-64 as of 31. 12. 9 390 9 724 9 688 9 583 9 361 9 156 9 124
Total Resident Population aged 65-74 as of 31. 12. 4 899 5 666 5 998 6 304 6 678 6 916 7 147
Total Resident Population aged 75 and over as of 31. 12. 2 972 3 570 3 608 3 685 3 706 3 752 3 826
Population with Bulgarian citizenship . . 68 253 68 361 68 504 68 209 67 845
Economically Active Population, total 32 448 35 356 31 118 . . 27 570 26 706
Economically Active Population, male 16 498 17 504 15 953 . . 14 618 14 309
Economically Active Population, female 15 950 17 852 15 165 . . 12 952 12 397
Unemployed, total 3 455 3 943 4 300 4 969 4 308 3 829 3 207
Unemployed, male 1 961 2 179 2 516 2 917 2 512 2 204 1 856
Unemployed, female 1 494 1 764 1 784 2 052 1 796 1 625 1 351
Live births . 666 659 666 643 648 685
Deaths . 667 685 653 677 686 674
Children aged 0-4 in day care . 1 544 1 688 1 561 1 613 1 573 1 520
Students in higher education (ISCED level 5-6) . 26 037 28 163 16 314 15 337 14 109 13 596
Number of deaths in road accidents . 12 10 11 6 8 10
Total nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments . 114 283 153 384 166 002 137 268 139 432 164 366
Cost of a combined monthly ticket (all modes of public transport) for 5-10 km in the central zone (in Euro) . 15 16 17 24 25 25