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Urban Audit - FUA of Vratsa

AREA OF Vratsa
Variable 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Total Resident Population as of 31.12. 74 648 72 877 71 708 70 395 69 100 66 788 65 905
Male Resident Population as of 31.12. 35 976 35 858 35 201 34 483 33 817 32 587 32 122
Female Resident Population as of 31.12. 38 672 37 019 36 507 35 912 35 283 34 201 33 783
Total Resident Population aged 0-4 as of 31. 12. 3 320 3 092 3 012 2 819 2 676 2 605 2 617
Total Resident Population aged 5-14 as of 31. 12. 6 789 6 361 6 245 6 249 6 165 6 082 6 009
Total Resident Population aged 15-19 as of 31. 12. 4 063 3 768 3 578 3 335 3 277 3 125 3 010
Total Resident Population aged 20-24 as of 31. 12. 4 739 3 571 3 360 3 206 2 981 2 771 2 622
Total Resident Population aged 25-54 as of 31. 12. 32 690 31 678 31 072 30 254 29 537 28 008 27 383
Total Resident Population 55-64 as of 31. 12. 11 635 11 647 11 377 11 102 10 727 10 255 10 209
Total Resident Population aged 65-74 as of 31. 12. 6 674 7 540 7 891 8 232 8 524 8 728 8 818
Total Resident Population aged 75 and over as of 31. 12. 4 738 5 220 5 173 5 198 5 213 5 214 5 237
Population with Bulgarian citizenship . . 72 632 71 444 70 114 68 809 66 479
Economically Active Population, total 35 325 31 902 32 353 . . 27 691 25 840
Economically Active Population, male 18 488 16 359 17 321 . . 14 900 14 112
Economically Active Population, female 16 837 15 543 15 032 . . 12 791 11 728
Unemployed, total 3 454 3 943 4 111 4 637 3 937 3 039 2 489
Unemployed, male 2 051 2 320 2 467 2 680 2 327 1 747 1 448
Unemployed, female 1 403 1 623 1 644 1 957 1 610 1 292 1 041
Live births . 590 552 492 516 509 542
Deaths . 1 047 1 134 938 1 085 1 062 1 017
Children aged 0-4 in day care 1 899 1 901 1 840 1 788 1 648 1 575 1 560
Number of deaths in road accidents . 6 4 4 12 6 9