ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)
Contact | |
Contact organisation | National Statistical Institute |
Contact organisation unit | ‘Environmental and Energy Accounts‘ Department |
Contact name | Ivaylo Rangelov |
Contact person function | State expert |
Contact mail address | Panayot Volov Str. 2 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria |
Contact email address |
Contact phone number | (+359 2) 9857 642 |
Contact fax number |
Statistical presentation | |
Data description | Data for the environmental goods and services sector include the following economic variables: output valued at basic prices (purchaser prices), gross value added and employment solely in environmental activities, according to the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 – Central Framework (SEEA SF 2012) by economic activity, according to the Classification of Economic Activities (NACE Rev.2). The data are the result of a statistical survey „Environmental Goods and Services“ conducted by the National Statistical Institute. |
Classification system |
Sector coverage | The statistical survey covers enterprises and kind-of-activity units (KAUs) from all economic activities. From the "General Government" sector (S13), according to the ESA 2010 (paragraph 2.113) the institutional units classified in the following sub-sectors are covered:
Statistical concepts and definitions | „Environmental goods and services sector“ means the production activities of a national economy that generate environmental products (environmental goods and services). „Environmental products“ (environmental goods and services) are products that have been produced for the purpose of environmental protection and resource management. „Environmental protection“ means that a good or service helps preventing, reducing and eliminating pollution and any other degradation of the environment. „Resource management“ includes the preservation, maintenance and enhancement of the stock of natural resources and therefore the safeguarding of those resources against depletion. Environmental goods and services fall within the following categories: environmental specific services, environmental sole purpose products (connected products), adapted goods and environmental technologies. The market output is reported at basic prices (purchaser’s prices). The gross value added is calculated as a difference between the market output at basic prices and the intermediate consumption. The employed persons are those related only to environmental activities and are reported in full-time equivalent. Definitions are used according to the applicable legislation: Regulation (EU) № 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts and Eurostat's Environmental Goods and Services Sector Accounts Handbook.
Statistical unit | The statistical unit is an enterprise and kind-of-activity unit. For the sector "General Government" is an institutional unit. The General Government sector covers institutional units classified in the following subsectors: Central Government and Local Government. |
Statistical population | The statistical population is determined by statistical units (enterprises, kind-of-activity units from all economic activities and institutional units from the "Central Government" sector with more than 10 employed persons included in the Statistical Business Register (SBR). Statistical units with less than 10 employees are excluded from the surveys, in order to reduce the respondents’ burden. The following statistical and administrative sources are used to determine the statistical units for comprehensive survey:
Statistical units for sample survey are determined by selection of simple random samples for the part of non-covered statistical units, due to the large number of enterprises. |
Reference area | Total for the country. |
Time coverage | 2014 - 2022 year |
Base period | Not applicable. |
Statistical processing | |
Source data |
Information from other statistical surveys (business statistics, non-financial national accounts, foreign trade, agriculture and forestry, energy statistics) and administrative sources (MAF, SEDA) is also used to define the statistical population, verify the data and make estimates. |
Frequency of data collection | Annual. |
Data collection | From the respondents, according to their activities, data are collected on the produced environmental goods, technologies and services by type, groups and domains for environmental protection or resource management activities. |
Data validation | Data validation is part of the activities to ensure the quality of statistical information. Primary data are validated in terms of completeness, correct classification, units of measurement, comparability with previous years, comparability with data from other statistical areas and/or administrative sources, logical control, etc. Statistical data are validated in terms of their comparability, accuracy, reliability, etc., in accordance with the quality criteria according to the Statistics Act. |
Data compilation | Data processing is carried out by strictly applying the methodology of the statistical survey and data verification methods. Data processing includes the actions by which, based on the primary data, brought into an appropriate form, statistical data are calculated, using specialized software products for this purpose. |
Adjustment | Not applicable. |
Quality management | |
Quality assurance | Data quality is ensured by applying the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice and the General Framework for Quality Management in the National Statistical System, including the application of the internal methodology "Environmental statistics and accounts", developed by NSI. Quality assurance activities ensure compliance with the requirements of the Statistics Act in terms of quality criteria: adequacy, accuracy, timeliness, punctuality, accessibility and clarity, comparability and logical connection. Through them, the application of the principles of the Code of European Statistical Practice is ensured: stable methodology; appropriate statistical procedures; moderate burden on respondents; cost effectiveness; applicability; accuracy; timeliness and accuracy of presentation; comparability and consistency; accessibility and clarity. |
Quality assessment | The quality assessment is carried out at each stage of the statistical production process, in accordance with the Common Framework for Quality Management in the NSS and the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice. It includes statistical processes and statistical information. The requirements of the current methodological documents are applied for quality assessment, including the instructions in the internal methodology „Environmental statistics and accounts”, developed by the NSI. To ensure high quality of the data, their consistency is checked with the data from the database of the annual activity report of enterprises, Foreign trade, Environmental protection and restoration expenditures and Revenues and expenditure for municipal waste and expenditures for water supply infrastructure, as well as with data reported to Eurostat for main macroeconomic indicators output and value added from Non-financial national accounts - Aggregated national accounts by industry (A*64 based on NACE, Rev.2). In order to ensure data quality, work is also being done to continuously improve the online-based information system for collecting primary data, providing the opportunity for arithmetic and logical control of input data, and additional analyses and checks are being carried out.
Relevance | |
User needs | Data on the environmental goods and services sector play an important place in the analyses of green growth and green job creation, policies for environmental protection and efficient use of natural resources, and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The main users of statistical information from the survey are state and municipal structures, scientific institutes, associations, companies and citizens. |
User satisfaction | The NSI conducts a regular statistical survey „User Satisfaction with the provided statistical information products and services“, which covers all statistical areas. It aims to assess user satisfaction with the statistical information provided by the NSI and to define recommendations for the future development of the statistical system in accordance with user needs. |
Completeness | The data meet the requirements of applicable legislation in terms of scope and observed main characteristics (indicators). |
Data completeness - rate | The data are reported within the deadline set by Eurostat. Data on the market output of environmental goods and services are available for all mandatory aggregations by economic activity groups and environmental and resource management domains. Data on the variables for mandatory reporting (market output, value added, exports and employment) are highly complete and are reported by type of environmental product/good, economic activity and domain. For market activities, market output is reported by specific environmental services and cleaner and resource-efficient products. |
Accuracy and reliability | |
Overall accuracy | Data accuracy, as one of the criteria for the quality of statistical information, according to the Statistics Act, is guaranteed through quality assurance activities within the statistical production process. |
Sampling error | To assess the stochastic accuracy of the study results, coefficients of variation (relative standard errors) and confidence intervals (the range of values that in 95% of cases contain the true value of the variable in the general population) are calculated for the main indicators. - i.e. the estimated total value of the indicators is in the middle of the confidence interval, which is calculated as follows: the estimated total value of the corresponding variable from the sample data -/+ the maximum error (the stochastic error multiplied by the guarantee factor). |
Sampling errors - indicators |
Non-sampling error | The survey may contain non-sampling errors that occur at different stages of the survey and that cannot be completely eliminated. The main reasons for non-response are, on the one hand, the lack of an up-to-date survey framework at the time of sample formation (e.g., enterprises that have been restructured, closed or have ceased operations in the reporting period) and, on the other hand, refusal to participate in the survey or failure to contact. In order to reduce non-sampling errors, the following is carried out:
Coverage error | Not applicable. |
Over-coverage - rate | Not calculated. |
Common units - proportion | Not applicable. |
Measurement error | Measurement errors are errors that occur during data collection and lead to differences between the recorded and actual values of the survey variables. These errors are related to:
Measurement errors are reduced by clear guidelines and instructions for completing the statistical survey form, and checking the data based on clearly defined minimal criteria regarding their completeness, correct classification of environmental goods/services, units of measurement, comparability with previous years, logical and arithmetical controls on input data, etc. |
Non response error | Non-response errors for individual questions (variables) are identified and corrected by clarifying the reason for non-response (refusal, no contact, etc.). The goal of conducting a statistical survey is to collect data from all respondents, i.e. to ensure 100% collection of primary data. In practice, there are cases where not all respondents provide data, which is why the percentage of non-responses is estimated, which should be minimized. |
Unit non-response - rate | Not applicable. |
Item non-response - rate | Not applicable. |
Processing error | In order to minimize possible processing errors, in all of the stages of data collection and processing from the survey include a large number of arithmetic and logical controls to verify their completeness, additional analyses and checks for comparability and consistency with other conducted surveys in business statistics and environmental statistics. Data processing is performed with specialized software – Excel, SPSS and/or R. |
Imputation - rate | Not applicable. |
Model assumption error | Not applicable. |
Seasonal adjustment | Not applicable. |
Data revision - policy | In accordance with the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice and the requirements of the internal rules/integrated management system, statistical processes are regularly monitored and revised as necessary. Revisions are carried out according to standard, established and transparent procedures and are regularly analysed with the aim of improving data sources, statistical processes and products. |
Data revision - practice | The data is revised upon change in regulatory requirements, the applied methodology, or when necessary. |
Data revision - average size | Not applicable. |
Timeliness and punctuality | |
Timeliness | The data are published 22 months after the reference year. |
Time lag - first results | Not applicable. |
Time lag - final results | Not applicable. |
Punctuality | The data are published according to the deadlines in the Calendar for the dissemination of the results of the statistical surveys of the NSI. |
Punctuality - delivery and publication | All publications are submitted for publication in a timely manner, according to the Calendar for the dissemination of the results of the statistical surveys of the NSI. |
Coherence and comparability | |
High degree of comparability between reporting periods. | |
Comparability - geographical | Data are compiled at the national level. Given the application of common definitions and classifications, the data are comparable with other EU countries. |
Asymmetry for mirror flows statistics - coefficient | Not applicable. |
Comparability - over time | The data are comparable over time. Time series are available from 2014. When the methodology changes, the data in the time series are revised. |
Length of comparable time series | 2014 - 2022 year |
Coherence - cross domain | The data are coherent with:
Classification is applied according to the Statistical classification of economic activities (NACE rev.2), which allows for joint analysis with data from national accounts.
Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics | Not applicable. |
Coherence - National Accounts | The data for environmental goods and services sector are coherent with principles, definitions and reported data in National Accounts (ESA - European System of Accounts).
Coherence - internal | The data have a high degree of internal consistency. The quality assessment procedure checks the consistency of the primary and statistical data by environmental protection classes (CEPA) and natural resource management classes (CReMA) and type of economic activity (NACE Rev.2), at national level, of the aggregated and detailed data in the reporting format under Regulation (EU) № 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts. |
Accessibility and clarity | |
News release | Regular press release on the NSI website. |
Publications |
On-line database | Data on environmental goods and services are available on the NSI website at: |
Data tables - consultations | Not applicable. |
Micro-data access | Anonymised individual data can be provided for scientific and research purposes according to the Rules for provision of anonymised individual data for scientific and research purposes of NSI. |
Other | Information service on request, according to the Rules for dissemination of statistical products and services of NSI. |
Metadata - consultations | Not applicable. |
Documentation on methodology |
Metadata completeness – rate | High. |
Quality documentation |
A Quality report is published annually with the publication of the statistical data for Environmental goods and services. |
Cost and burden | |
The costs (budget) for statistical surveys are disclosed in the National Statistical Program, published on the NSI website. Reducing the burden on respondents is a priority in conducting statistical surveys. In this regard, actions are being taken to alleviate the burden, for example: collecting and checking primary data through the online-based information system "Environmental Statistics", containing strict arithmetic and logical controls; improving the instructions for filling in survey forms; providing methodological and technical assistance; continuously exploring the possibilities for using information from administrative and other sources; conducting annual training for respondents and NSI experts, etc. The time needed to fill in the statistical forms is used as the main measure of the burden on respondents. For this purpose, a section is included in each form that respondents must fill in, regarding the time needed to fill in the form (including the time for data preparation). Based on this information and given the specifics of the study, the workload of the respondents can be determined as relatively high. The overall workload of the responsible experts is determined as high, especially in cases of revisions of data from previous reporting periods. | |
Confidentiality | |
Confidentiality - policy | Regulation (EU) № 223/2009 on European statistics provides for the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and access to such confidential data, with due regard to technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society. The Statistics Act (Art. 25, para. 1) stipulates that individual data received and collected through statistical surveys shall constitute a statistical secret and may be used only for statistical purposes. |
Confidentiality – data treatment | When processing and summarizing data from the „Environmental Goods and Services“ survey, two types of restrictions apply:
The threshold rule ensures that if the value of a given cell from the statistics table is formed by 1 or 2 statistical units that cell remains hidden. The dominant rule, according to the Statistics Act, is (1:85), that is, the information in a given cell is subject to "suppression" if one statistical unit forms 85 percent or more of the value of the indicator for the entire studied population or subset. Secondary confidentiality is related to the closing of non-confidential values to prevent third parties from indirectly disclosing data from the totals or subtotals for each economic activity by NACE Rev.2 and CEPA/CReMA classes that are determined to be confidential during data verification for primary confidentiality. The Eurostat software - CIF version 2 is used to calculate the secondary confidentiality. |
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