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Grant agreement 'Survey on Gender-Based Violence (full implementation)'

Published at: 24.09.2020 - 13:30
The National Statistical Institute has started work on the Project " Survey on Gender-Based Violence (full implementation)" according to the Grant agreement with the European Commission № 960467-2019-BG-GBV SURVEY-2.

In the frame of the project a study on the gender-based violence in the country will be conducted in strict compliance with the requirements of national legislation and methodological recommendations of the EC. The survey will be conducted among all EU member states according to a unified common methodology and tools developed and approved by Eurostat. The focus is on the prevalence of violence among women aged 18-74. The implementation of the project will provide reliable, comparable and representative at national level data on the spread of the phenomenon.

The study will cover about 10,000 women aged 18-74 across the country living in private  households. The main method of data collection will be a face-to-face interview. The opportunity for self-interviewing through a web-based application will be given to the sampled individuals.

The field work will be carried out in the period September - December 2021.

The implementation of the project is an important step towards the introduction of this type of statistical surveys in the statistical practice of the country.

The Project duration is 24 months and it will be completed in 2022.