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‘Statistics’ Magazine, Issue 1/2020

Published at: 13.03.2020 - 11:31
The National Statistical Institute informs users of statistical information that Issue 1 for 2020 of ‘Statistics’ Magazine is published on the NSI’s website. The issue is in Bulgarian language with summaries in Bulgarian, English and Russian and includes sections as follows:
  • Statistical surveys and analysis
  • Bulgarian statistics in three centuries
  • Information, reviews, consultations
  • 140 years of state statistics in Bulgaria - author Ph.D. Bogdan Bogdanov,

 Deputy President of the National Statistical Institute - Sofia

A tribute to those who create and institutionalize Bulgarian statistics as a necessity for the state and society is being expressed. The great responsibility of statisticians in providing reliable information about socially significant phenomena and processes in the country is noted. The tasks that are on the agenda for the positive development of the National Statistical Institute are indicated. The important role of generations of statisticians, who through their work over the decades have contributed to the success of this state institution is noted.           

The section Statistical surveys and analysis includes the articles:

  • Necessary changes in statistics curriculum - author Professor Dimitar Radilov, University of Economics - Varna

From international perspective academic and educational scientific positions on statistical science relate to UNESCO, the International Statistical Institute, the Royal Statistical Society of the United Kingdom and the American Statistical Association.

In a study on statistical training in the social sciences in 1957 the Indian statistician Prof. Mahalanobis, offered two tracks of statistics, one dealing with the collection and analysis of state information and planning purposes, the other with modelling and drawing conclusions from heterogeneous information, in order to merge. The categories ‘aggregate’ and ‘set’ are interrelated. When measuring the mass phenomena in the unified being of the world - material-substantial and abstract they provide different ideas. The unified being ‘is an actual reality. There is an internal logic of development. It includes nature as a complete universum that was, exists, and will be. Man and society that have once arisen, exist and will continue to exist for a long time. Man is the bearer of consciousness. He is a conscious being.’ The scientific definition of being ‘according to the principles of philosophy’ has two components. They are nature and society. The state consists of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary, the civil society - of political parties, the media, ethnic, religious and cultural communities, trade unions, foundations and other bodies. Households include the following activities: reproductive, social, securing, insurance and others. Institutional sectors cover non-financial and financial corporations.

In a market economy, statistical information is a commodity for which there is a demand and supply in the information market. I believe that the idea of a methodological reorganization of the phases of statistical study from three to five is in line with the philosophy of market economy. The term ‘data science’ is introduced by Cleveland, who argues that statistical science should change its name. Since then, the term ‘data science’ has become an expression that describes a discipline that is usually a combination of statistics and large-scale computing.

Keywords: aggregate, set, state, civil society, households, institutional sectors, data science.  

  •   Census of agricultural holdings in Bulgaria in 2020 - objectives and challenges to agricultural statistics - author Girgina Nikolova, National Statistical Institute - Sofia  

The publication is dedicated to the forthcoming census of agricultural holdings in Bulgaria, which will be conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry in the second half of 2020. It provides a brief historical overview of the agricultural censuses from the establishment of the statistical institution in Bulgaria to the present day. The organizational and methodological framework of the census is presented, focusing on the objectives of the census and the legal framework of the surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in the EU - Regulation (EU) 1091/2018, and the national legislation - Agricultural Census Act in Bulgaria. Information is provided about the reference period, the variables observed, the stages and bodies of the census and the innovative methods used to collect and process information from holdings. The publication focuses on the challenges before statisticians conducting the most extensive study in the field of agricultural statistics, as well as on the role and responsibilities of the National Statistical Institute in its organization and implementation. At the end of the publication is presented a table with data on the main statistical indicators from the conducted two censuses of agricultural holdings in Bulgaria in accordance with the current European legislation.

The section Bulgarian Statistics in three centuries includes the articles:

  • Memoirs of a statistician. Attempt of a biographical ese (Part I) - author Ph.D. Bogdan Bogdanov, Deputy President of the National Statistical Institute - Sofia        

The author recounts memories of his professional career in state statistics. The period from 1976 to 1991 is covered. This is an account of the time spent during his work experience which began at the Central Statistical Office (now the National Statistical Institute). Described are curious moments, events and experiences of the life of statisticians at that time. Important meetings with celebrities leading the statistics during this period are presented. Conclusions have been drawn about the work of the national statistics and its development over the years before the country embarked on the path of democracy and market economy after the changes since the end of 1989.

The essay is dedicated to 140 years since the establishment of the Bulgarian state statistics.

  • About Professor Nigreta Velichkova, who has left remarkable footprints in the field of statistics and in the hearts of her students and colleagues - author Professor Veselka Pavlova, University of National and World Economy - Sofia

A life devoted to statistics - such as science, practice and lecturing. This is the way to describe in short, the life of Prof. Ph.D. Nigret Rangelova Velichkova (1936 - 2013).

Short biographical notes are presented in the article. Her lecturing and research activities are emphasized upon. She has been a titular of many disciplines that she taught to students in Bachelor's and Master's degrees in full-time and distance learning.

She acquired a PhD in Economics. She was the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of ‘Economic Information’, Deputy Rector of UNWE Research and Head of the Department of ‘Statistics and Econometrics’.

The main contributions to Prof. Velichkova's publications are related to: econometric analysis, the application of correlation and regression analysis in modelling economic processes; the status, problems and prospects of messaging services; the standard of living of the population and the problems of the statistical analysis of economic time series. 

  • Census of population and housing fund in Bulgaria in 1910 - author Sonya Zlatanova, National Statistical Institute - Sofia

The sixth census in Bulgaria commenced on December 31, 1910, under King Ferdinand's Decree No. 326 of July 12, 1910. It enacts for a general census of the population, buildings and household livestock according to the regulations and directions of the General Directorate of Statistics.

Special brochures have been issued to promote the census as a nationwide task. Large posters are pasted on the streets at prominent places in all the cities and villages of the Kingdom. Leaflets inviting Bulgarian citizens to participate in the census were distributed to the population between December 27 and December 31, 1910.

First, out of print in 1911 was the publication ‘Preliminary results of the census in the Kingdom of Bulgaria on December 31, 1910. Population numbers by settlements’, which provides the state with data on the population in the country.

The second series of publications is composed of three volumes entitled ‘General results of the census in the Kingdom of Bulgaria on December 31, 1910’ with data on the population by various indicators.

The third series of publications in 12 volumes presents data on the population by districts, and the fourth series in two volumes contains information on buildings and housing fund in the Kingdom of Bulgaria by municipalities and settlements.

Publications from the population census and housing fund in 1910 have been digitized and have free access at the NSI's digital library. The digital collection contains 2 486 pages of statistical information.

The section Information, reviews, consultations presents the information:

  • Census of industrial establishments in Bulgaria in 1904 - author Sonya Zlatanova, National Statistical Institute - Sofia

On December 31, 1904, the first census of the state industrial establishments in Bulgaria was conducted. The aim is to collect data on the emerging large and state-aided industry, to get a clear picture of the technical status it has reached and to record its productive capacity, as well as the needs of industrial enterprises.

The Directorate of Statistics collects information for the industry through specially prepared forms. Each person who owns an industrial enterprise that falls into the category of state-aided enterprises fills in one questionnaire containing questions of paramount importance regarding the status and productivity of the industrial establishment. Each factory worker or office clerk also fills in an ID card, as directed by the Directorate, which shows his position and functions in the factory.

The personal ID card of the workers contains 25 questions.

Instructions are also provided for completing the questionnaire and the ID card. In the annex there is a published list of the industrial enterprises that have benefited from the Local Industry Promotion Act. Their number is 183 and they are distributed by districts.

Annual subscription (4 issues): EUR 22
Price per issue 1/2020: EUR 7
The publication can be purchased at:
• Multi-Domain Statistics and User Services Directorate, NSI,
‘P. Volov’ № 2 Str., Sofia 1038.
• The Regional statistical offices of the NSI.
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