Contact | |
Contact organisation | National Statistical Institute |
Contact organisation unit | National Non-financial Accounts |
Contact name | Hadil Shehebar |
Contact person function | Chief expert |
Contact mail address | 2 P. Volov Str., Sofia 1038 |
Contact email address | |
Contact phone number | +359 2 9857 537 |
Contact fax number | |
Statistical presentation | |
Data description | According to the ESA 2010 employed covers all persons - both employees and self-employed, engaged in some productive activity that falls within the production boundary of the system. Employees are defined as all persons who, by the agreement, work for another resident institutional unit and receive remuneration as a compensation of employees. The following categories are included: employees working under employment, civil or working without a contract. Self-employed persons - persons who are the sole owners, or joint owners of unincorporated enterprises in which they work. |
Classification system | Classification of Economic Activities (CEA-2008, for international use NACE.BG-2008) |
Sector coverage | Total of economy |
Statistical concepts and definitions | According to the ESA 2010 employed covers all persons - both employees and self-employed, engaged in some productive activity that falls within the production boundary of the system. Employees are defined as all persons who, by the agreement, work for another resident institutional unit and receive remuneration as a compensation of employees. The following categories are included: · persons engaged by an employer under a contract of employment; · civil servants and other government employees whose terms and conditions of employment are laid down by public law; · the armed forces, consisting of those who have enlisted for both long and short engagements and also conscripts; · owners of corporations and quasicorporations if they work in these corporations; · students who have a formal commitment whereby they contribute some of their own labour as an input into an enterprise?s process of production in return for remuneration and (or) education services; · outworkers if there is an explicit agreement that the outworker is remunerated on the basis of the work done that is, the amount of labour which is contributed as an input into some process of production; · disabled workers, provided the formal or informal relationship of employer to employee exists; · persons employed by temporary employment agency; · persons temporary not at work if they are in: the continued receipt of wage or salary, an assurance of return to work following the end of the contingency, or an agreement as the date of return. Self-employed persons are defined as persons who are the sole owners, or joint owners, of the unincorporated enterprises in which they work. Self-employed persons also include the following categories:
Statistical unit | Employed resident |
Statistical population | Employed |
Reference area | Bulgaria |
Time coverage | from 1995 (Infostat) |
Base period | Not applicable. |
Statistical processing | |
Source data |
Frequency of data collection | Quarterly |
Data collection | Quarterly data |
Data validation | Implementation of validated procedures for assessing data |
Data compilation | Implementation of validated procedures for assessing the quality of data and the development of estimation of the completeness of the data. |
Adjustment | Apply seasonal adjustment of the data using software Demeter. |
Quality management | |
Quality assurance | · European Statistics Code of Practice; · Common framework for quality management in the National Statistical System. |
Quality assessment | Questionnaire on the implementation of the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice. |
Relevance | |
User needs | |
User satisfaction | |
Completeness | |
Data completeness - rate | |
Accuracy and reliability | |
Overall accuracy | |
Sampling error | |
Sampling errors - indicators | |
Non-sampling error | |
Coverage error | |
Over-coverage - rate | |
Common units - proportion | |
Measurement error | |
Non response error | |
Unit non-response - rate | |
Item non-response - rate | |
Processing error | |
Imputation - rate | |
Model assumption error | |
Seasonal adjustment | |
Data revision - policy | In practice, the system of national accounts, there are two main types of revisions. The first type of audits is ongoing, regular characterized by the presence of new or updated statistical information based on statistical surveys or administrative sources. The second type of revisions is related to a change in the methodology and calculation procedures for specific statistical indicators. |
Data revision - practice | National accounts data are subject to continuous routine revisions as new input data becomes available. This will typically also entail revisions of the national accounts aggregates, which are derived from these data. In BG national accounts two types of revisions are: regular – preliminary, final data; and main - based on implementation of new methodology or GNI reservations. |
Data revision - average size | |
Timeliness and punctuality | |
Timeliness | Current quarterly estimates of GDP - T +65 days after the reporting period |
Time lag - first results | |
Time lag - final results | |
Punctuality | The data transmitted to Eurostat are in compliance with National Accounts Data Distribution Program Annex B and respective derogations for the country. |
Punctuality - delivery and publication | |
Coherence and comparability | |
Comparability - geographical | The comparability is ensured through the implementation of common definitions of ESA 2010. |
Asymmetry for mirror flows statistics - coefficient | |
Comparability - over time | By using a common framework of the European System of Accounts ESA 2010, the data can be comparable over time. |
Length of comparable time series | |
Coherence - cross domain | In certain cases, data from other domains of economic statistics, i.e. balance of payments statistics, business statistics, household budget statistics or external trade statistics can be used for cross-checking purposes. These economic statistics are also available from the appropriate domains on the NSI website. |
Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics | |
Coherence - National Accounts | |
Coherence - internal | |
Accessibility and clarity | |
News release | Press Release |
Publications | Statistical Reference book |
On-line database | Data are available to all users of the NSI website under the heading Macroeconomic statistics - Gross Domestic Product - Employed persons, hours worked and labour productivity - Quarterly data - Employed persons - Total of economy: |
Data tables - consultations | |
Micro-data access | Not applicable. |
Other | |
Metadata - consultations | |
Documentation on methodology | European system of accounts (ESA 2010) |
Metadata completeness – rate | |
Quality documentation | |
Cost and burden | |
Confidentiality | |
Confidentiality - policy | · Law on Statistics; · REGULATION (EC) No 223/2009 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society. |
Confidentiality – data treatment | |
Comment |
Statistical domain
Download in SDMX 2.1 file format: Employed persons and Hours worked - Total of economy - Employed, employees and self-employed
Metadata Structure Definition in SDMX 2.1: ESQRS_MSD+BNSI+2.0+SDMX.2.1.xml
Download in SDMX 2.0 file format: Employed persons and Hours worked - Total of economy - Employed, employees and self-employed
Metadata Structure Definition in SDMX 2.0: ESQRS_MSD+BNSI+2.0+SDMX.2.0.xml