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Grant agreement ‘IT Security improvement in the ESS for the exchange of confidential statistical information’

Published at: 29.01.2019 - 09:59
The National Statistical Institute has started work on the Project ‘IT Security improvement in the ESS for the exchange of confidential statistical information’ implemented according to the Grant Agreement No. 828821 - 2018-BG-SECUT-IT with the European Commission.
The main objectives of the project are:
  • System logs consolidation of all existing IT infrastructure assets.
  • Automated events correlation, which will significantly decrease the time needed to detect information security incidents and timely notify the security response team.
  • Reduction of the false positives.
  • Rapid reporting to external organizations, which will facilitate the teamwork.
  • Security events management, based on the best practices and regulatory recommendations, which will help the security team to identify and focus on any potential security threats.
The following activities are envisaged to meet the objectives of the project:
  • Purchasing of the solution for IT security.
  • Implementation of the solution in the NSI IT infrastructure.
  • Preparation of the test scenario and testing.
  • Incident management.
The project duration is 12 months and will be completed at the end of December 2019.