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Annual Report 2015

Published at: 22.03.2016 - 16:00
The National Statistical Institute submits to the attention of users printed edition of the Annual report of the NSI 2015 in Bulgarian. The report is addressed to wide readers auditory and acquaints the public with the main directions in the work of the NSI, the priorities, new moments and achieved results. It was prepared in accordance with the Activity report of the NSI during 2015, adopted by Council of Ministers Decision No. 35/22.01.2016, promulgated in State Gazette Issue 9/02.02.2016.

The publication contains information that is systematized in several sections, covering surveys and activities performed for the first time in 2015, horizontal and specific priorities from the Strategy for development of the National Statistical System of the Republic of  Bulgaria 2013 - 2017, practical realization of surveys and tasks on specific thematic areas included in the National Statistical Programme, as well as the implementation of the priority tasks in the field of international cooperation. The resources needed to implement the activities of the NSI are presented, and priorities for 2016 are identified.

The publication is enriched with pictures and graphical presentation of significant events and data from the NSI activities.