Dear users,
The National Statistical Institute is pleased to present the updated Information System “Statistical Classifications” (ISSC). The ISSC has a completely new user interface aimed at ensuring efficient functioning, information security, fast operation, as well as reliability and timeliness of information on statistical classifications in order to meet the growing needs of internal and external users.
The Information System “Statistical Classifications” contains all national statistical classifications that are easily accessible and presented in user-friendly output formats. Advanced search and retrieval functionalities enable you to view or download the structure, explanatory and methodological notes and other supporting documents, as well as to make online queries for a specific classification.
The National Statistical Institute, in accordance with Article 7 (6) of the Statistics Act, develops and maintains national statistical classifications, nomenclatures, standards, either independently or in cooperation with other statutory bodies. The national statistical classifications and the rules for their application shall be approved by the President of the NSI, either independently or with the bodies stipulated by a normative act (Article 9 (9) of the Statistics Act). The application of statistical classifications is mandatory in administrative information systems and registers that are or may be used for statistical purposes (Article 10 of the Statistics Act).
The statistical classifications applied in the Republic of Bulgaria are a direct application of the classifications and nomenclatures adopted by a Commission Regulation or by any other normative act of the European Union, ensuring the methodological consistency and comparability of the national statistical data with the data of other EU Member States. In a number of cases, national statistical classifications may be an application of international standard classifications which, under European statistics legislation, have been validated for use in the European Statistical System.
If you have any questions, you can contact us:

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