Statistical Yearbook 1911

The Third Statistical Yearbook of the Kingdom of Bulgaria has been digitized and is available to users of statistical information online in full-text format. The publication is bilingual – in Bulgarian and French and covers the year 1911. The edition was published in 1914.

The content of the Yearbook is unified for the third year in a row. The first section provides data on the geographical position, borders and surface of the Bulgarian kingdom, as well as meteorological data. This section also publishes data on the demographic status of the population, including population movements, marriages, births, deaths, and information on military recruitment.

The ‘Economic life’ section contains data on agriculture, cattle breeding and forestry. In the field of industry are published the results of a survey of industrial establishments promoted by the state in 1909 and the personnel employed in them. Under the same heading are data on trade, market prices, coins and credit, and the state of roads, communications and post offices in the state.

‘Political and Cultural Life’ is a section that consists of information in the areas of state, county and municipal finance, legislative elections, government, military and education.

‘Books and Art’ is a section containing data on the Sofia and Plovdiv National Libraries.

Data on pension funds, cooperatives, professional organizations, and the Post Office Savings Bank are provided in a special section ‘Public Foresight’.

The yearbook provides information in the field of medicine – civilian sanitary organizations and sanitary condition of the army.

In the area of justice, data on the activities of judicial offices, crime statistics, prisons and lawyers are published.

The last section in the Yearbook is ‘Brief statistics on foreign countries’.


Electronic edition of the “Statistical Yearbook 1911”


Theme ‘General Publications’