Education in the Republic of Bulgaria 2023

The National Statistical Institute presents to the attention of users interested in social statistics the newest annual bilingual (Bulgarian and English) electronic publication Education in the Republic of Bulgaria 2023.

The publication contains main data from the five carried out annual comprehensive statistical surveys, which characterizing the activity of educational institutions in Bulgaria for the period from 2018/2019 to 2022/2023 school (academic) years.

The issue presents a broad range of data about kindergartens, education institutions, pupils by different types of schools, teachers, newly-enrolled, students – Bulgarian and foreign citizens, graduates from basic, upper-secondary and tertiary education, lecturers by scientific degree, doctor’s degree by narrow field and etc.

The basic methodological points in education’s statistics are in compliance with International Standard Classification of Education, revision 2011 (ISCED 2011) and its attendant methodological manuals.

The published information is systematized in two parts: ‘General review’ and ‘Regional review’. The administrative-territorial units ‘districts’ are presented according to the Law of the Administrative Territorial Structure of the Republic of Bulgaria, while the territorial units for statistical purposes, i.e. ‘Statistical zones’ and ‘Statistical regions’, are presented according to the Classification of Territorial Units for Statistics in Bulgaria that corresponds to Eurostat NUTS classification.


Electronic edition of the publication ‘Education in the Republic of Bulgaria 20…

Statistical domain

Education and Lifelong Learning


Theme ‘Population and Social Statistics’