Energy Balance Sheets 2021

The National Statistical Institute presents to the users of statistical information the annual electronic publication ‘Energy Balances 2021’. The publication is bilingual (in Bulgarian and English) and contains data from surveys of the National Statistical Institute in the field of energy statistics for the period 2015 – 2021.

The issue presents a broad range of data about:

• Commodity energy balances – solid fossil fuels, crude oil and petroleum products, natural gas, renewables, electricity and heat;

• Overall energy balance sheet;

• Primary energy production;

• Total energy supply;

• Transformation input/output;

• Final energy consumption;

• Other indicators;

• Definitions of energy balance indicators;

• Specific conversion factors;

• International comparisons.

The overall energy balance sheets and commodity energy balances are presented in three blocks according to the methodology of the statistical office of the European Union – Eurostat: Supply of energy, Transformation of energy and Final consumption of energy.

Detailed information on the transformation input in power plants and heat plants is included.

Sources of data for the international comparisons are: 

• Eurostat Database – section ‘Energy Statistics’

• Sustainable development indicators – Goal 7. ‘Affordable and clean energy’.

Data are presented in volume measures – tons, kWh, etc. The common energy unit used for the overall energy balance sheet is ‘ton of oil equivalent’. The following dependence exists between units: 1 GJoule = 0. 239 Gcal = 278 kWh = 0. 023885 toe. 

Periodicity of the publication is annual.


Electronic edition of the publication “Energy Balance Sheets 2021”

Statistical domain



Theme ‘Economy’