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Search query: "All"=Unaited Nations- $
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Collective author: Unaited Nations Population Fund; Организация на обединените нации
Subtitle data: From conflict and crisis to renewal: generations of change
Copyright responsibility: Unaited Nations Population Fund
Year published: 2010
Publishing house: UNFPA;New York
ISBN: 978-0-89714-947-7
Pages: 108 p.
Language: англ.
Signature: IO/UNFPA/T/ХР2
ID: NSI010010744
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Collective author: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.Органицация на обединените нации.Икономическа комисия на Европа
Year published: 2019
Publishing house: United Nations;; New York-Geneva;
ISBN: 978-92-1-117185-3
Pages: VII, 49 p.
Signature: IO/UNECE/T/Ч
ID: NSI010014930
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Collective author: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; Конференция за търговия и развитие към ООН; Организация на обединените нации
Subtitle data: 2018 : International Trade Rebounds
Copyright responsibility: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Year published: 2019
Publishing house: United Nations;Geneva;
ISBN: 2663-7960
Pages: VI, 24 p.
Language: англ.
Signature: IO/UNCTAD/T/Ч
ID: NSI010014948
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 Free items: 1
Collective author: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; Конференция за търговия и развитие към ООН; Организация на обединените нации
Copyright responsibility: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Year published: 2018
Publishing house: United Nations;Geneva;
ISBN: 978-92-1-112936-6
Pages: XI, 83 p.
Language: англ.
Signature: IO/UNCTAD/T/Ч
ID: NSI010014949
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