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Collective author: Eurostat; ЕВРОСТАТ
Copyright responsibility: Eurostat
Year published: 2008
Publishing house: Office for official publications of the European Communities;Luxembourg; Б. печ.;Belgium
ISBN: 1830-9674
Pages: 187 с.
Language: англ.
Signature: IO/EUROSTAT/Y/ХР2
ID: NSI010006351
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 Free items: 1
Collective author: Eurostat; ЕВРОСТАТ
Parallel Title Books: Cout de la main-d'oeuvre 1988
Subtitle data: Volume 1 : Principal results
Copyright responsibility: Eurostat Eurostat
Year published: 1992
Publishing house: Office des publications des Communautes europeenes;Luxembourg
ISBN: 92-826-3888-X
Pages: 329 p.
Series: Accounts, surveys and statistics
Language: англ.; нем.; фр.; итал.
Signature: IO/EUROSTAT/T/ХР2
ID: NSI010012506
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 Free items: 1
Collective author: Eurostat; ЕВРОСТАТ
Parallel Title Books: Cout de la main-d'oeuvre
Subtitle data: Updating : 1989-1992
Copyright responsibility: Eurostat Eurostat
Year published: 1994
Publishing house: Office des publications officielles des Communautes europeennes;Luxembourg
ISBN: 92-826-8508-X
Pages: 63 p.
Series: Accounts, surveys and statistics
Language: англ.; фр.; нем.
Signature: IO/EUROSTAT/T/ХР2
ID: NSI010012534
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