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Search query: "All"=Annual statistics- $
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Collective author: World Health Organization; Organisation mondiale de la sante; Световна здравна организация
Parallel Title Books: Annuaire de statistiques sanitaires mondiales
Subtitle data: 1996
Copyright responsibility: World Health Organization Organisation mondiale de la sante
Year published: 1998
Publishing house: World Health Organization;Geneva
ISBN: 0250-3794
Pages: 755 с. раздр. паг.
Language: англ.; фр.
Signature: IO/WHO/Y/ХР2
ID: NSI010004958
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 Free items: 1
Collective author: United Nations Conference on trade and development; Конференция за търговия и развитие към ООН; Организация на обединените нации
Subtitle data: 2006
Copyright responsibility: United Nations Conference on trade and development
Year published: 2007
Publishing house: United Nations;Geneva
Pages: 43 с.
Language: англ.
Signature: IO/UNCTAD/T/ХР2
ID: NSI010005969
 Free items: 1
Collective author: United Nations. Conference on trade and development; Конференция за търговия и развитие към ООН
Subtitle data: 2007 : Thinking development, advancing solutions
Copyright responsibility: United Nations Conference on trade and development
Year published: 2008
Publishing house: United Nations;Geneva
Pages: 71 с.
Language: англ.
Signature: IO/UNCTAD/T/ХР2
ID: NSI010006388
 Free items: 1
Collective author: United Nations Conference on trade and development; Конференция за търговия и развитие към ООН
Subtitle data: 2008
Copyright responsibility: United Nations Conference on trade and development
Year published: 2009
Publishing house: United Nations;Geneva
Pages: 75 с.
Language: англ.
Signature: IO/UNCTAD/T/ХР2
ID: NSI010006818