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Press releases

Business Conjuncture, October 2021

Thursday, 28 October 2021 - 11:00

In October 2021, the total business climate indicator decreases by 2.3 percentage points compared to the previous month. More unfavourable business climate is registered in industry, retail trade and service sector, while in construction the indicator preserves its September level.

Statistical domain

Trips of Bulgarian Residents Abroad and Arrivals of Visitors from Abroad to Bulgaria in September 2021

Wednesday, 27 October 2021 - 11:00

In September 2021, in the conditions of the continuing epidemic situation, the number of the trips of Bulgarian residents abroad was 579.2 thousand or by 4.2% above the registered in September 2020.

In September 2021, the number of arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria was 772.6 thousand or by 37.1% above in comparison with September 2020, as the transit was 45.5% (351.6 thousand) of all visits of foreigners in the country.

Statistical domain

Bulgaria and EU: Deficit and debt of General Government Institutional Sector for 2020

Thursday, 21 October 2021 - 14:30

In 2020, the government deficit and debt of the EU increased in relative terms compared with 2019. In the EU, the government deficit to GDP ratio rose from 0.5% in 2019 to 6.9% in 2020. In the EU, the government debt to GDP ratio increased from 77.2% at the end of 2019 to 90.1% at the end of 2020.

Press release
Statistical domain

Deaths in the Third Quarter of 2021 (preliminary data)

Wednesday, 20 October 2021 - 16:30

The number of deaths in the third quarter of 2021 (27th - 39th week) is 30 071 and the crude mortality rate - 17.5‰. Compared to the same period in the previous year, the number of deaths has increased by 4 463 or 17.4%. According to second quarter of 2021 mortality decreased by 4 276 or by 12.4%. Mortality among males (18.7‰) is higher than among females (16.5‰).

Press release

Trade in goods of Bulgaria with EU in the Period January - July 2021 (preliminary data)

Tuesday, 12 October 2021 - 11:00

In the period January - July 2021 the exports of goods from Bulgaria to the EU increased by 23.0% compared to the same period of 2020 and amounted to 25 258.2 million BGN while the imports of goods to Bulgaria from the EU grew by 25.3% and reached 25 551.7 million BGN.

In July 2021 the exports to the EU increased by 16.1% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and amounted to 3 832.0 million BGN while the imports grew by 26.4% and added up to 3 950.2 million BGN.

Statistical domain

Trade in goods of Bulgaria with Third Countries in the Period January - August 2021 (preliminary data)

Tuesday, 12 October 2021 - 11:00

In the period January - August 2021 the exports of goods from Bulgaria to third countries increased by 20.5% compared to the same period of 2020 and amounted to 14 697.6 million BGN while the imports of goods from third countries grew by 28.8% and added up to 19 255.2 million BGN.

In the period January - August 2021 the total value of all exported goods to third countries and EU amounted to 43 491.4 million BGN, which is 22.4% more than the same period of the previous year, while the total value of all imported goods from third countries and EU added up to 48 273.5 million BGN and grew by 26.4%.

Statistical domain