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Key Indicators for Bulgaria (as of 31.12.2021)

Friday, 31 December 2021 - 11:00

The key indicators are elaborated in accordance with the euro area, European Union and individual Member States indicators system. The analytical document is quarterly updated. Source of the data are the NSI statistical surveys and BNB data. From 2016 annual data is published in a separate application, which is updated every first half year.

Statistical domain

Production and Deliveries of Energy Products, October 2021

Thursday, 30 December 2021 - 11:00

In October 2021, compared to September 2021, an increase is reported for the production of solid fuels - by 21.7%. There is a significant decrease in the production of petroleum products due to scheduled repairs of production installations during the month: liquefied petroleum gases - by 100%, unleaded motor gasoline - by 96.3% and transport diesel - by 79.1%. At the same time a decrease is also reported for the production of electricity - by 2.0%. No change for the production of natural gas.

In October 2021, compared to September 2021, an increase is reported for the deliveries of: solid fuels - by 21.0%, liquefied petroleum gases - by 5.7%, natural gas - by 16.0% and electricity - by 14.9%. At the same time a decrease is reported for the deliveries of: unleaded motor gasoline - by 8.7% and transport diesel - by 11.0%. Deliveries of petroleum products in the country are secured mainly by quantities of stocks, accumulated  in the previous month.

Statistical domain

Trips of Bulgarian Residents Abroad and Arrivals of Visitors from Abroad to Bulgaria in November 2021

Thursday, 30 December 2021 - 11:00

In November 2021, in the conditions of the continuing epidemic situation, the number of the trips of Bulgarian residents abroad was 460.4 thousand, or by 40.3% above the registered in November 2020.

In November 2021, the number of arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria was 439.5 thousand, or by 55.2% above in comparison with November 2020, as the transit was 55.1% (242.2 thousand) of all visits of foreigners in the country.

Statistical domain

Producer Price Indices in Industry, November 2021

Thursday, 30 December 2021 - 11:00

Total Producer Price Index in November 2021 increased by 5.8% compared to the previous month and with 31.0% compared to the same month of 2020. Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in November 2021 increased by 8.4% compared to the previous month; compared to the same month of 2020 the domestic prices rose by 35.4%.

Business Conjuncture, December 2021

Thursday, 30 December 2021 - 11:00

In December 2021, the total business climate indicator increases by 2.6 percentage points compared to the previous month. An improvement of the indicator is observed in construction, retail trade and service sector, and in industry is registered a reduction.

Statistical domain

Environmental Statistics - Annual data for 2020

Tuesday, 21 December 2021 - 11:00

The National Statistical Institute presents the results of annual surveys in the field of environmental statistics for 2020.

In 2020, the share of tangible fixed assets with ecological use at the end of the year by accounting value amounts to 4.8% of the total tangible fixed assets available in the country.

In 2020, the share of expenditure available at the end of the year for acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets with ecological use amounts to 2.8% of the total expenditure for acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets in the country.

In 2019 the quantity of generated municipal waste is evaluated to 2 838 thousand tons, maintaining almost the same level compared to 2018 (2 862 thousand tons).

Generated waste from economic activity in 2019 is 123 148 thousand tons. The non-hazardous waste is 109 654 thousand tons and the hazardous waste is 13 494 thousand tons. There is no significant change in the generated waste quantities compared to the previous years.

In year 2020, 5 077 million cubic meters of fresh water are abstracted in the country, which is 6.4% less than in 2019. The total use of freshwater and non-freshwater in the country in 2020 is estimated at 4 310 million m3 which is a decrease with 5.9% compare to the previous year.

Statistical domain