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Administrative-territorial and territorial division of the Republic of Bulgaria as of 31 December 2022

Friday, 5 May 2023 - 11:00

As of 31 December 2022, the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria is administratively divided into 28 administrative districts and 265 municipalities, within which there are 3 159 individual mayoralties. Total number of settlements were 5 256, of which 257 towns and 4 999 villages, while the settlement formations were 165 (including 8 of national and 157 of local importance). The largest municipalities with population above 100 000 inhabitants were eight - Stolichna, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Ruse, Sliven, Pleven and Pazardzhik. The share of the population in these eight municipalities represents 40.7% of the total country’s population.

Statistical domain

Consumer Survey, April 2023

Friday, 5 May 2023 - 11:00

In April 2023, the total consumer confidence indicator increases by 4.2 percentage points in comparison with January. An increase of consumer confidence among both urban and rural inhabitants - by 3.1 and 7.0 percentage points, respectively, is reported.

Statistical domain

Building Permits Issued and Construction of New Buildings Started in the First Quarter of 2023

Thursday, 4 May 2023 - 11:00

In the first quarter of 2023, the municipal authorities issued building permits for the construction of 1 748 residential buildings with 8 619 dwellings, 19 administrative buildings/offices and 1 035 other buildings.

The issued building permits for new residential buildings and other buildings decreased by 5.5% and 3.4% respectively as compared to the first quarter of 2022. The issued building permits for administrative buildings have shown an increase of 5.6%.

The construction of 1 272 residential buildings with 6 597 dwellings, 8 administrative buildings/offices and 517 other buildings was started.

The number of started new residential buildings increased by 0.2% as compared to the first quarter of 2022. The number of started administrative buildings and other buildings decreased by 27.3% and 9.6% respectively.

Production and Deliveries of Energy Products, February 2023

Friday, 28 April 2023 - 11:00

In February 2023, compared to January 2023, for the production of energy products, no increase is observed for any of the products. A decrease is reported for the production of: unleaded motor gasoline - by 29.7%, liquefied petroleum gases - by 28.6%, transport diesel by - 28.6%, solid fuels - by 8.7%, and electricity - by 7.3%. No change for the production of natural gas.

In  February 2023, compared to the same month of the previous year, an increase is reported only for the production of liquefied petroleum gases - by 66.7%. A decrease is reported for the production of: natural gas - by 50.0%, solid fuels - by 15.6%, electricity - by 8.3%, and unleaded motor gasoline - by 5.7%. No change for the production of transport diesel.

In February 2023, compared to January 2023, an increase is reported for the deliveries of liquefied petroleum gases - by 18.9%. A significant increase is observed in unleaded motor gasoline, due to reduced deliveries in January 2023, as currently reaches its usual levels. A decrease is reported for the deliveries of: solid fuels - by 10.9%, transport diesel - by 10.4%, electricity - by 5.4%, and natural gas - by 0.8%.

In February 2023, compared to the same month of the previous year, an increase is reported for the deliveries of: liquefied petroleum gases - by 51.7%, unleaded motor gasoline - by 14.7%, transport diesel - by 12.4%, and electricity - by 4.9%. A decrease is reported for the deliveries of: solid fuels - by 22.9%, and natural gas - by 18.9%.

Statistical domain

Trips of Bulgarian Residents Abroad and Arrivals of Visitors from Abroad to Bulgaria in March 2023

Friday, 28 April 2023 - 11:00

In March 2023, the number of trips of Bulgarian residents abroad was 570.1 thousand or 5.9% above the registered in March 2022.

The trips with other purposes (as a guest, education and visiting cultural and sports events) in March 2023 composed the greatest share of the total number of trips of Bulgarian residents abroad - 48.9%, followed by those with holiday and recreation purpose - 29.6%, and with professional purpose - 21.5%.

In March 2023, the number of visits of non-residents to Bulgaria was 705.6 thousand or 12.4% more in comparison with March 2022. An increase in the trips with all observed purposes was registered. Transit passes through the country were 33.3% (234.9 thousand) of all visits of non-residents to Bulgaria.

Statistical domain

Producer Price Indices in Industry, March 2023

Friday, 28 April 2023 - 11:00

The Total Producer Price Index in Industry decreased by 2.2% in March 2023 compared to the previous month. Lower prices were registered in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply by 9.3%, and in the mining and quarrying industry by 1.1%. The prices went up in the manufacturing by 0.9%.

The Producer Price Index on the Domestic Market decreased by 2.6% in March 2023 compared to the previous month. The domestic prices went down in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply by 7.7%, and in the mining and quarrying industry by 1.9%. The prices increased in the manufacturing by 1.4%.

The Total Producer Price Index rose by 2.0% in March 2023 compared to the same month in 2022. Significant growth was seen in the manufacturing by 6.0%, and in the mining and quarrying industry by 2.7%. Prices fell in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply by 7.1%.

The Producer Price Index on the Domestic Market went up by 2.5% compared to March 2022. Prices rose in manufacturing by 10.2% and in the mining and quarrying industry by 3.6%, while in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply the prices fell by 6.9%.

Business Conjuncture, April 2023

Friday, 28 April 2023 - 11:00

In April 2023, the total business climate indicator increases by 0.7 percentage points in comparison with the previous month. An improvement of the indicator is registered in the industry, while in the construction and service sector, a reduction is observed. Only in the retail trade, the indicator preserves its March level.

The uncertain economic environment remains the main difficulty for the activity of the enterprises in all sectors.

Statistical domain

Anti-Social Acts and Crimes of Minors and Juveniles in 2022

Friday, 28 April 2023 - 11:00

The number of minors and juveniles registered in the Child pedagogic rooms for anti-social acts and crimes committed in 2022 was 8 626. In comparison with 2021, their number decreased by 181, or by 2.1%.

The number of minors and juveniles new entrants in the Child pedagogic rooms in 2022 was 2 677, and 2 513 persons were removed from the Child pedagogic rooms.

Press release
Statistical domain

Population and Demographic Processes in 2022

Friday, 28 April 2023 - 11:00

According to the Demography statistics, the population of the country as of the end of 2022 is 6 447 710 persons. Compared to the previous year, it has decreased by 34 774 persons, or by 0.5%.

There are 56 596 live born children in 2022. The number of live births decreases by 2 082 compared to the previous year.

The number of deaths in 2022 is 118 814, and the crude mortality rate - 18.4‰. Compared to the previous year, the number of deaths decreases by 30 181.

Education in the Republic of Bulgaria for 2022/2023 School Year

Wednesday, 26 April 2023 - 11:00

The main results from the National Statistical Institute (NSI) annual comprehensive surveys characterizing the activity of educational institutions are as follows:

  • In 2022/2023 school year in pre-primary education (kindergartens and preparatory groups at schools) were enrolled 216.5 thousand children.
  • In 2022, the number of basic education graduates was 61.1 thousand students and the number of upper-secondary education graduates from general and vocational programmes were respectively 23.2 and 13.2 thousand students.
  • In 2022/2023 academic year, there were 214.8 thousand students enrolled at the different tertiary education levels (professional bachelor, bachelor and master’s).
  • As of 31.12.2022, for acquiring a doctor’s educational and scientific degree in the country were trained 6 548 persons, of whom 764 were foreign citizens.
Statistical domain