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Press releases

Construction Production Indices in April 2010

Thursday, 10 June 2010 - 11:00

By preliminary data of the NSI, the total construction production in April 2010 was 22.7% less than the same month of the previous year. A drop by 32.3% was registered in the production of building construction, while in the civil engineering production the decrease was 3.7%.

Press release

Industrial Production and Industrial Turnover Indexes, April 2010

Thursday, 10 June 2010 - 11:00

The preliminary data showed that the Industrial Production Index increased by 0.2% in April 2010 as compared to the same month of 2009, as compared to the previous month the production fell by 6.4%. Industrial Turnover Index increased by 9.7% compared to April 2009, as compared to the previous month the turnover decreased by 1.9%

Press release

Goods and Passengers Carried and Transport Performance by Mode of Transport, First Quarter 2010

Monday, 31 May 2010 - 11:00

According to preliminary data during the first quarter of 2010 in comparison with the correspondence period in 2009 is observed а drop at goods carriages in transport as all. The goods carried decreased by 15.6% and the transport performance in tonnekilometres by 21.5%. Over the previous quarter of 2009 also is registered a decrease for the goods carried, as well for the transport performance by 26.6% and 46.9%. During the first quarter of 2010 transported passengers are with 3.8% less than the passengers in the fourth quarter of 2009. In comparison with corresponding period in previous year, there is also decrease with 1.4%. Transport performance in passengerkilometres increased in comparison with the first quarter of 2009 by 4.5%, but over the last three months, there is a drop by 4.6%.

Press release

Business Conjuncture, May 2010

Friday, 28 May 2010 - 11:00

In May 2010 the total business climate indicator decreases by 0.4 percentage points in comparison with April due to the worsening of the business climate in retail trade by 5.3 percentage points. In the rest of the sectors observed by the NSI business surveys a slight improvement is registered.

Press release

Producer Price Indexes in Industry, April 2010

Friday, 28 May 2010 - 11:00

Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in April 2010 increased by 1.9% compared to the previous month, while compared to the same month of 2009 the domestic prices rose by 5.6%. Total Producer Price Index in Industry increased by 2.1% compared to the previous month, compared to the same month of 2009 the prices rose by 8.1%.

Press release