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Press releases

Turnover Indices in Services in the Third Quarter of 2012

Wednesday, 21 November 2012 - 11:00

According to preliminary data from the third quarter of 2012 the total turnover index for section “Transportation, storage and post”, calculated on the basis of seasonally adjusted data decreased by 2.7% than the previous quarter, while in section „Information and communication” - by 7.8%.

Press release

Crimes Concluded with Penalty Inflicted and Persons Convicted in First Semester of 2012 (preliminary data)

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 - 11:00

According to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute for the first semester of 2012, the trials ended with inflicted penalty cover 14 250 committed crimes.
The number of persons convicted with penalties come into force amounted to 15 711. The number of persons with effective sentence of conviction amounted to 8 755 and conditionally sentenced were 6 956 persons.

Statistical domain

Indices of producer prices and indices of prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture, third quarter in 2012

Monday, 19 November 2012 - 11:00

The index of producer prices in agriculture increased by 19.2% in the third quarter of 2012 as compared to the same quarter 2011. Increases were registered in the crop production by 23.1% and in the livestock production - by 2.9%.

The index of prices of goods and services currently consumed in agriculture in the third quarter of 2012 was 7.7% above the index in the same quarter of 2011.

Press release

Investment Activity in Industry, October 2012

Friday, 16 November 2012 - 11:00

The investment business inquiry of NSI carried out among industrial enterprises in October 2012 shows that the entrepreneurs expect to make 4.3% more investments in the current year in comparison with the previous 2011.

Press release

Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption during the Third Quarter of 2012

Thursday, 15 November 2012 - 11:00

The average quarterly total income average per household member during the third quarter of 2012 is 1 120 Levs or by 14.5% more compared to the same period of 2011.

The total expenditure per household member during the third quarter of 2012 is 1 033 Levs and it increases by 12.6% in relation to the same quarter of 2011.

The consumption of main food products average per capita doesn’t change significant during the third quarter of 2012 compared to the third quarter of 2011.

Press release