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Urban Audit - The LUZ of Vidin

the LUZ of Vidin
Variable 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total Resident Population 71 222 69 699 68 302 67 369 66 126
'Male Resident Population 34 351 33 625 32 913 32 457 31 856
'Female Resident Population 36 871 36 074 35 389 34 912 34 270
Total Resident Population 0-4 as of 31. 12. 2 902 2 850 2 749 2 680 2 675
Total Resident Population 5-14 as of 31. 12. 6 831 6 485 6 266 5 975 5 861
Total Resident Population 15-19 as of 31. 12. 4 700 4 534 4 304 4 165 3 843
Total Resident Population 20-24 as of 31. 12. 4 017 4 109 4 095 4 046 4 006
Total Resident Population 25-54 as of 31. 12. 30 212 29 332 28 438 27 968 27 301
Total Resident Population 55-64 as of 31. 12. 10 755 10 774 10 901 10 870 10 763
Total Resident Population 65-74 as of 31. 12. 6 721 6 571 6 466 6 580 6 614
Total Resident Population 75 and over as of 31. 12. 5 084 5 044 5 083 5 085 5 063
Residents who are Nationals NA NA 68 167 67 235 65 993
Total Number of Households (excluding institutional households) 20 638 16 413 21 455 21 178 16 999
'One person households 2 497 2 096 1 685 1 800 2 083
'Households with children aged 0 to under 18 10 031 3 926 6 674 5 814 4 737
Total Economically Active Population 26 800 26 500 29 400 29 800 27 700
'Male Economically Active Population 14 500 14 100 15 700 15 100 13 900
'Female Economically Active Population 12 300 12 400 13 700 14 700 13 800
Residents Unemployed 6 444 4 226 2 710 2 406 3 427
'Male Residents Unemployed 3 063 1 891 1 127 955 1 531
'Female Residents Unemployed 3 381 2 335 1 583 1 451 1 896
Total Number of Households with less than half of the national average disposable annual household income 776 3 112 1 840 7 862 2 702
Number of conventional dwellings 34 835 34 887 34 901 34 986 35 120
Number of live births per year 581 571 495 505 569
Total deaths per year 1 185 1 134 1 088 1 087 1 102
Number of car thefts 16 9 16 16 12
Number of domestic burglary 221 167 149 160 149
Number of children 0-4 in day care 1 046 1 073 1 198 1 178 1 186
Number of private cars registered 31 561 35 766 39 731 42 605 44 272
Number of deaths in road accidents 3 8 10 8 9