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Urban Audit - The LUZ of Ruse

the LUZ of Ruse
Variable 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total Resident Population 187 164 186 640 185 546 185 281 185 549
'Male Resident Population 90 241 90 020 89 477 89 360 89 502
'Female Resident Population 96 923 96 620 96 069 95 921 96 047
Total Resident Population 0-4 as of 31. 12. 7 193 7 457 7 538 7 769 7 933
Total Resident Population 5-14 as of 31. 12. 15 466 14 969 14 531 14 232 14 258
Total Resident Population 15-19 as of 31. 12. 12 389 11 598 11 099 10 809 10 099
Total Resident Population 20-24 as of 31. 12. 15 098 15 256 15 083 14 689 14 374
Total Resident Population 25-54 as of 31. 12. 81 035 81 062 80 892 80 932 81 100
Total Resident Population 55-64 as of 31. 12. 26 011 26 279 26 299 26 454 26 763
Total Resident Population 65-74 as of 31. 12. 17 735 17 560 17 343 17 433 17 581
Total Resident Population 75 and over as of 31. 12. 12 237 12 459 12 761 12 963 13 441
Residents who are Nationals NA NA 185 051 184 789 185 047
Total Number of Households (excluding institutional households) 68 065 60 332 63 739 61 055 65 176
'One person households 9 387 10 620 11 533 13 728 13 003
'Households with children aged 0 to under 18 31 421 26 186 24 882 22 358 22 305
Total Economically Active Population 87 900 89 700 90 800 90 400 92 900
'Male Economically Active Population 47 100 45 800 46 500 47 100 48 900
'Female Economically Active Population 40 800 43 900 44 300 43 300 44 000
Residents Unemployed 4 869 3 912 2 864 2 948 5 591
'Male Residents Unemployed 1 872 1 394 1 036 996 2 649
'Female Residents Unemployed 2 997 2 518 1 828 1 952 2 942
Total Number of Households with less than half of the national average disposable annual household income 10 040 7 510 11 474 15 298 11 258
Number of conventional dwellings 89 240 90 087 90 602 91 391 92 782
Number of live births per year 1 503 1 630 1 555 1 650 1 747
Total deaths per year 2 597 2 610 2 616 2 571 2 593
Number of car thefts 31 27 26 32 38
Number of domestic burglary 428 457 383 417 607
Number of children 0-4 in day care 2 818 2 998 3 119 3 276 3 202
Number of private cars registered 67 186 75 191 84 060 90 118 92 212
Number of deaths in road accidents 18 41 19 11 29