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Statistics Journal - Volume 3/2008

Published at: 24.04.2009 - 11:34
The National Statistical Institute informs its customers that vol. 3/2008 of Statistics Journal is already available. The following articles are included in it:
A sufficient condition for single decisions of factor variables of value (absolute) quantities - author Emil Hrisov, Ph.D., senior scientific assistant I-st degree; Bulgarian Academy of Science.
SUMMARY: Each value (absolute) quantity in the economy consists of amount of meanings of particular statistical indication expressed in value (monetary) expression corresponding to the observed statistical units. If they are homogeneous extensive units, like employed persons, population, capital, funds, etc., they can be transformed to statistical structures and calculate average levels (intensive characteristics) of the value quantities. Each value quantity may be considered in time as a process of discreet data and its alteration for two comparable periods or years may be analysed by additive and index factoring analysis by discreet transformations of the average level and the quantitative extensive units. A sufficient condition is put in force for single and exact decision with the application of these analyses. Apart by the homogeneous extensive units, the value quantities may be expressed and analysed by heterogeneous units, i.e. quantities of produced or consumed goods and services expressed in different measures (dimensions) and quality. In these cases neither it is not possible to compose statistical structures of heterogeneous units, nor calculating average levels. Generally, the particular form of the factoring analysis (additive and index) depends entirely of the type of the extensive units and their typical characteristics.
Decomposition of the Dynamics of Net Reproduction Rate into two main Determinants – Fertility and Mortality in selected European Countries (1990 – 2005) – authors Kamellia Lillova, Junior Expert at the Center for Population Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Marta Sugareva, Senior Research Associate at the Center for Population Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
SUMMARY: This article is a continuation of the article "Relative Influences of Fertility and Mortality on Population Reproduction", published in vol. 2 of the review "Statistika", 2007. In that previous article an approach was applied for the decomposition of the influences of fetrility and mortality on population reproduction, based on the principles of index analysis. An illustration was provided for two countries: Bulgaria and Russia.
In the present article the same approach for decomposition is applied to a greater number of countries and regions in Europe for the period 1990 – 2005.
The results display - like in the previous article - that the main determinant of the dynamics of the net reproduction rate in the contemporary situation in Europe is fertility: the index of the net reproduction rate is close to the index of fertility. In most European countries the dynamics of the net reproductive rate is decreasing, more so in the new member-states of the European Union. The total fertility rate follows the same direction with approximately the same paste.
The impact of mortality is very small, in most cases - insignificant; and though it is positive, it can’t overrun the negative impact of decreasing fertility, more specifically in the new member-states of the European Union.
Projects of Statistics of the Information Society - author Milena Dobromirova, Leader of Project “Statistics of the Information Society”, Head of Unit "R&D, innovations and Information society statistics", National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria, Sofia.
SUMMARY: The building of single European information society is one of the most important priority goals stipulated in the EC policy and strategies and Eurostat started pilot projects on measuring of the new phenomena in enterprises and households (2001 and 2002). NSI welcomed with willingness the challenge to participate in Eurostat initiatives and Community surveys and as result achieved a fully compliant methodology and statistical tools on information society statistical surveys in republic of Bulgaria.
The information society statistical projects are the instrument for implementing of the EU member states best practices and are the key factor for information society measuring in Republic of Bulgaria.
Support of the users of European statistical information – author Antoaneta Ilkova, Leader of Project “Support of the users of european statistical information”, part of PHARE 2006, Senior Expert at Public Relations and Press Center Unit, National Statistical Institute, Sofia.
SUMMARY: Since the 1-st of October 2004 Eurostat-the statistical office of the EU-applies a new strategy aimed at free of charge distribution of statistical information and publication via its web site in Internet. This provokes rapid increase of the interest towards the information disseminated not only from the existing groups of user, but also from brand new category of users, and requires timely refreshment of the disseminated data. In order to allow a maximum number of users to benefit from the free access of information, Eurostat created a network of national centers ("European Statistical Data Support" (ESDS) Help Desk) supporting users searching for European statistical data.
This article is giving an overview of the activity of the Bulgarian ESDS Help Desk as part of the European network of centers for users support. All phases of the work of the center since the joining of NSI to the project are overviewed as well as the acquired aims. The pending tasks of the Bulgarian ESDS center until the end of 2009 are also followed taking under consideration the priorities and targets of Eurostat in the field of statistical data dissemination and users support.
The annual subscription price (4 issues, including mailing costs) amounts to EUR 20. Price per issue - EUR 7. Prices include VAT.
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