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Grant Agreement ‘Disaggregation of the statistics on final energy consumption in the industry sector’

Published at: 16.01.2018 - 13:30
The National Statistical Institute has started working on project ‘Disaggregation of the statistics on final energy consumption in the industry sector’ in accordance with the Grant agreement with the European Commission No. 08352.2017.004-2017.775.

The general objective of the project is to improve the reporting of data on final energy consumption in the Industry sector as providing a detailed breakdown of the existing aggregates for the reference 2017 year. Data gathered under the project will respond to the increasing users’ needs for more detailed information on high energy consumption industry sectors which have an impact on energy efficiency, GHG emissions related to energy consumption and production, the cost of energy, energy dependence and economic competitiveness.

The project duration is 18 months and it will be completed in June 2019.